There's Always A Next Time - Part 6


Here are the links for the previous parts of the story in case you missed them:
-Part 1
-Part 2
-Part 3
-Part 4

The trip went perfectly good and everyone was happy and satisfied. Those who went are already waiting for the next trip and there are so many people who wanted to go but couldn't because the places were limited. So next time the organization team will have to book a bigger bus.

After few more trips Samir could pay his debt to Ahmed. Then they tried something new. They had a deal with a youth hostle to organise some parties periodically and get their shares of the revenues. Then they started organising some chess, video games, sports and all kinds of contests. That helped the youth hostle have a good reputation and the "organization team" have some easy good money.

Lynda was a very good asset to the team. She was a smart, cute and popular girl. In class, she knows exactly when she has to concentrate on the lesson and when she can afford to get distracted by some funny secret conversations with her classmates. Succeeding in school comes first, but having fun and making friends was also one of her priorities. She had many groups of friends and she has a strong personality that allowed her to express her opinions and ideas and influence them. With her being a part of the organization team, it wasn't very hard to find people who would follow.

Ahmed was the logistics guy and the spokesman, he makes the deals with travel agencies, with sponsors, the youth hostle staff and everyone who can help. Samir was the gown up that makes it safe for younger kids to be around and also his charming and mysterious character attracts a lot of younger girls.

In time, the three most popular kids in the neighborhood became so close that they tell each other anything and everything. How they spend the money, their family problems, their visions about their future.. Everything.

After two years of fun Ahmed and Lynda had to choose different specialties at school. Which would make them go to seperate high schools for the next two years. Even though every single member of her family wanted her to choose science so that she can become a doctor, Lynda wanted to become an engineer so she chose Technology. Ahmed thought he has no other choice than literature. It was the only thing that he has a chance to keep up with. It's not that he was good at it, but he was really bad at any other thing. In general, smart students pick science or technology, gifted nerds choose computer science, normal students choose economy and those who barely pass have no other choice left than literature.

Samir enjoyed making fun of them in their big day, the day they submitt their choices. He said:"that's exactly why I left school many years ago, School is evil! It enjoys separating lovers”.
That made Linda unleash her funniest loudest laugh that made her and Samir keep laughing for minutes with no breaks and no reason other than each other's laughing funny faces.

In that time Ahmed was so into his deep thoughts that, if they paid attention, his friends would've thought he was meditating. Samir's words affected him alot. He and Lynda enjoy acting like “lovers” for fun or, sometimes, to keep Lynda's fans away. "That will make it hard for her to take him seriously if he ever had the courage to confess his real feelings" he thought, "But that would be the worst case scenario, and it's not really a very bad one. The more likely scenario is that she would have the same feelings and they would be an amazing couple".

Since I'm still writing it, I'll be open to any suggestions or requests from the readers to make it a fun experience for everybody. Of course I have my own ideas about the big events so I'll be the one who decides how the story goes but I'll do my best not to be too dictator :D

Part 7 will be out next Saturday.

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