A Day in the Clouds (Chapter 14) - The Hours Between 1800 and 1900 (Part 1 of 2)

This is a continuation of the Steemit-exclusive, original novel A Day in the Clouds. Be sure to check out the previous chapters to catch up with the story. Enjoy!

<< Chapter 13 (Part 2)


The multi-talented @verbal-d has bestowed a wonderful gift for this story. To enhance the reading experience, play this on loop in the background as you read this chapter. Please be sure to follow and donate to @verbal-d!

It was already dark when we arrived back at the prison. The sight of a slumbering creature greeted us upon our return. The creature looked remarkably like Coche, and it slept where Coche usually rested.

Unable to wake the foreign beast, Dadier instead commanded Coche to find a different spot. Coche obliged albeit begrudgingly. It decided to rest on the other side of the prison instead — the same side where I made my escape all those years ago.

    "Are you sure that you're alright to sleep here?" I asked Coche.

It replied with a mild howl, then almost immediately fell to a deep slumber.

Dadier alighted before he released me from my restraint. The giant secured the large metallic gate before he came back to unstrap me. He opened Coche's side and allowed me to walk out on my own.

    "Smart move," I quipped, looking at him approvingly. The giant didn't know that I had no plans to escape, but it's good to keep them on their toes. One day, they would let their guard down. That's when I'll pounce and ensure their downfall.

Wearing only short pants, the blades of grass tickled my legs. Tiny insects fluttered around the uncovered area. They kept biting my unprotected skin every chance they get. Their bites left swollen marks that caused an uncontrollable itch. I tried my best to swat them away, but they kept on pouncing. It was a bit ironic, considering that these insects think of me as a giant.

I loitered around the grounds for a while until Dadier beckoned me to follow him back to their fortress. It had been a long time since I've ever experienced the night, so I didn't want to cut it short.

The giant warned me that there would be consequences if I refused to comply. He turned his back to me, as he sauntered away.

A faint sound of metallic clanking started to echo soon after. A low deep growl that reverberated in the surrounding followed. There was a chill in the air, as silence engulfed the prison compound.

I ran towards Coche, but it refused to wake up from its slumber. I had hoped it could protect me from whatever eldritch horror lurked in the shadows. The fireflies were long gone, and the darkness crept up towards me inch by inch. It consumed me until I couldn't see anything. Terrified, I curled up into a ball and tried to summon enough viento to defend myself.

The creature remained invisible, but its chain rattled after it. I can feel its stare piercing through me, locking on to me, getting ready to pounce. The sound of its movement bounced off the walls of the compound. Its disorienting echoes made it hard to determine which direction it was coming from.

The ground trembled as the creature drew near. Even light was afraid of it, as I couldn't see a thing at that moment. I clenched my fist, getting ready to launch the most powerful attack I could muster. In that moment, I wished that I had the strange spheroid that aided me in destroying the giants' tank. If the rumors were true, that level of power might not even make a dent on the grotesque horror that was stalking me.

The grass shifted with the wind, and the clouds parted high above. Boxed into a corner, with nary a wall anywhere near, I quivered, bit my lip and closed my eyes. I had to rely on my reflexes to survive this gruesome encounter.

Without warning, a large paw patted the back of my neck. I jumped up and hurled ancient winds toward my opponent! Screaming my lungs out, I charged fist-first into battle. All of a sudden, a squishy blockade impeded my assault. I opened my eyes only to discover that it was, in fact, Dadier that I hit.

The giant seemed unfazed. He asked me if I saw the hideous creature, and if that was the reason I was running away.

    "I was running into battle," I retorted. "You buffoon."

    "O let's go back now," he suggested.

I looked back to see if the creature was trailing us but it was nowhere in sight. Faint traces of its growl and its chain still lingered, but it was getting fainter the more steps we took.

We walked towards the farthest fortress and encountered both of its wardens. Jenmu bore a strong resemblance to Mawmah and Lowla. While Lowla looked like a younger version of Mawmah, Jenmu seemed like a male equivalent. His constant companion, Molet, looked distinctly different though. Her skin glimmered like ivory, and she was slender than most giants I've seen.

I've often wondered why they were often seen together. Did they have a relationship like Mamie and Dadier, and Lowla and Lowlow? Were the giants designed to come in twos? I often dismissed that Mamie was a captive of Dadier, but I never thought about them being partners. If that was the case, then my sympathy for Mamie was woefully misguided all this time.

    "Hello, Ledd," Jenmu greeted, with a menacing grin. He was holding a porcelain mug as he waved at me. "Did you have fun in your journey?"

Molet smiled, but stayed silent as she stood beside Jenmu, while holding a porcelain mug of her own.

Their fortress housed three more giants and a prisoner named Jool. She was about the same age as Teten, and was equally as tall. Were the other giants transformed former prisoners? Was this the fortress where they performed the final reconditioning? Perhaps that's why Teten was crying earlier. It might be that she had heard the news of her impending transfer here.

I walked past them without answering the question. Jenmu tried to hold me down, but I slipped his grip. The training from earlier was already paying off. Dadier stayed behind to converse with them, but I forged on toward the middle fortress.

The extremely passionate @ryivhnn has created this magnificent viento-inspired artwork for this story. Close your eyes and picture this masterpiece, as you imagine Ledd soaring to new heights. Please be sure to check out @ryivhnn's wonderful artwork and in-depth logs of her experiences with homeschooling her children. You can also become a patron of hers on Patreon so that you can support her regularly.


<< Chapter 13 (Part 2)

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