The Night Gods II- Chapter XII: Blood On The Moon

Artwork by @marty-art on Steemit... With many thanks!

[Just over 10 hours from conception to birth... if you don't think this is work!!!]

It was one of the more lackluster elections in recent history- low voter turnout showed the electorate's lack of enthusiasm for either candidate. But, like most of his predecessors, Denning declared a mandate from the people. His victory speech practically mirrored his Peace at any Cost speech and he used it to outline his ambitious national security initiative- both on the foreign and domestic fronts. He even made a proposal for a civilian police force saying that under his administration there would be no more 9/11's or other acts of domestic terrorism. His critics, of course, Senator Ashby first among them called his civilian force nothing more than a veiled attempt to turn citizens against one another, something reminiscent of Hitler's Germany or the USSR under Stalin.

The newspapers weren't much kinder, the editorial pages were full of venom... the television networks, however were understandably more supportive. Sean Welbourne had reluctantly agreed to stay on as Press Secretary. He and Denning had established an uneasy detente... neither trusting the other. It took all of Sean's effort to not openly show his disdain, but his fear of Lockhart outweighed his contempt for Denning. Then there was the ever-present Przybysz; always there, always watching. A week or so after the election he went into Denning's office and locked the door. Sean watched as he entered... there was nothing peculiar about his entrance but there was something in his manner, something Sean couldn't put his finger on.

"Well, Mr. President," he said sarcastically. "I have some news you'll want to hear."

"You quit?" Denning said smiling.

"Better," said Przybysz. "Mr. Lockhart wants a meeting."

"I thought he was trying to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest?" Denning looked puzzled. What could be so important... something wasn't right. He suspected it was going to be a lengthy list of marching orders... But Przybysz could have delivered those. "When?" he asked.

"Tomorrow, at 11:00- his office on K St," Przybysz told him. "He'll send a car."

So this was it Denning thought. Time to give the Devil his due. They might have gotten him elected but he had his own ideas about governing. At least he had the night to think about what he would say. If Lockhart wanted a showdown, he's better be prepared. He planned to make it clear once and for all that he wasn't going to be owned by anybody... Devil worshippers or otherwise. But first, he needed to unwind. He called the number Przybysz had given him awhile back... one he used fairly frequently now. After returning from his tryst, he showered and got a good night sleep.

Lockhart's car dropped him off precisely at 11:00. he entered steeled to do battle.

"Alan, I can call you Alan, can't I?" Lockhart asked pleasantly.

"Everybody else does," Denning said smiling. "Or Mr. President will do."

"That's the reason I asked you here," Lockhart said. "Care for a drink first, Mr. President?"

"A little early in the day, isn't it?" Denning said. "Scotch please."

"Think I'll join you," Lockhart said pouring a generous shot into two glasses.

"Well Lockhart," Denning said tossing off his shot, "I don't suppose you called me here because you needed a drinking partner."

"Very astute," Lockhart said dryly tossing off his own. "We need to talk about worldviews... to make sure we're on the same page- going in the same direction, if you will."

"You got me here to tell me how I'm going to govern," Denning said bluntly. Look, I appreciate your helping me get elected, but I'm beholden to no man- or men."

"I guess you didn't fully grasp what we talked about before... the last time we spoke." Lockhart glared at Denning and then his gaze softened. "Look, Alan, we're not enemies... we both want basically the same thing."

"While we're on the subject of wanting things, I know you guys are some kind of weird religion... Devil worshippers... something like that."

"But that's where you're wrong Alan," Lockhart's tone was soft but firm. "Let me try to clear up once and for all, any misconceptions you may have. We worship what's possible in this world. A spiritual man is a practical man... it doesn't matter what side of the bread the butter's on- it's all the same. Haven't you read the Bible? It says God gave this Kingdom to Lucifer... Remember Jesus saying, my kingdom is not of this world... and Satan offering him all the kingdoms on earth if Jesus would follow him. Let the Christians have the Kingdom of Heaven, we're satisfied with this one. If that's evil- then so be it, we're evil...Devil worshippers as you put it."

"But what about all that 'Hail Satan' mumbo jumbo... the black hooded robes, the red guy with horns and a pointy tail... isn't that all a part of it?" Denning wanted to know.

"Fuck no," Lockhart said laughing. "That's all theatrics- Hollywood stuff. That's all any religion is- playing dressup and rituals- either side of the coin. It's how we keep the sheep amused and in line- just like the Pope or any other religion... this is about power. If power is evil, then so are we. But you're not like us. You love power too, but you're a sadist... you just like to hurt people- like that girl you had killed and your wife. Our evil, if that's what you want to call it, has a purpose. Like Hitler- people call him evil, but never consider for a moment what he accomplished. he had a purpose- racial purity- to give the German people back a sense of identity."

"Hitler..." Denning said puzzled. "You're Nazis?"

"No, let me finish," Lockhart said before going on. "Germany was in a state of moral and financial decay... rampant inflation, but even worse, the culture had fallen apart... homosexual nightclubs everywhere- out in the open, strip joints everywhere... Hitler rooted out the cause of the decay, found those responsible and eliminated them. It just happened to be the Jews... they were the intelligentsia. It's always the intelligentsia- the college professors and the like behind it. Hitler eliminated the undesirables... and so shall we, Alan... with your help."

"So, you want to wipe out the Jews?" Denning laughed.

"Not the Jews... Didn't you understand anything" The ones that stand in our way... the ones keeping us from being what we have the potential to become... an Empire... An empire with you at the helm. Death is necessary- it always is. It's nature's method of cleansing- it's unfortunate, but it's a tool- to achieve something much greater."

"But what about all the Devil worshipping stuff... what did you call them, 'the Ancient Ones' or something?" Denning asked. "Where do they fit in?"

"They are the Gods of this world. They thrive on death, it's their reward... the more gruesome and profound, the better it seems. Don't ask me why, even I don't understand that... they just do that's all. I can tell you there's been a perpetual state of war and devastation since time immemorial." Lockhart looked Denning straight in the eyes. "We just serve them- their purpose and in return we get power... and so do you. You still serve them whether you're with us or not. You need to set aside your petty sadism for awhile and look at the bigger picture- to the future."

It was a lot to think about. Maybe Lockhart was right, maybe there was more to gain by throwing in with them.... at least for the time being. He didn't like being called a sadist but...

Lockhart seemed to sense Denning's mood. "Of course you won't have to give up your peccadillos ... they can of course, continue as normal- we may even be able to enhance them."

"What do you mean?" Denning asked, his curiosity aroused.

"Well you know, people disappear all the time... all kinds of people. Where do you think they go?" Lockhart could tell he had Denning's attention now.

"Never gave it much thought, to tell the truth," Denning said casually. "Where?"

"Wherever you want, Mr. President... if you know what I mean," Lockhart said with a wink.

Denning was sold... hook, line and sinker. "What do I do? What's your role?"

"We just provide guidance... like that speech. Brilliant job delivering it, by the way."

"Thanks," said Denning. "So we just go on as normal?"

"Pretty much," Lockhart told him. "Every once in awhile, there will be a policy initiative... something important for our people- important for you as well. It's the welfare of the country we have in our deepest hearts."

"And the girls?" Denning asked eagerly.

"Don't worry about that. You just tell Przybysz what you want and whatever happens to them after..." Lockhart shrugged his shoulders.

"In the White House... what about the Secret Service?" Denning looked concerned.

"They serve you- unquestioningly. Look at the Clintons, they got away with murder... literally. And that nigger queer- you don't seriously believe that neanderthal was really his wife?" Lockhart laughed. "It's good to be the King."

Denning couldn't believe his own ears. He knew Washington was fucked up, but he had no idea... "And everyone's in on it?" he asked.

"No," Lockhart laughed again. "Not everyone, but nearly. There are still a few straight arrows- like your boy Welbourne... don't trust him too much. There are others too, but don't worry too much... who do you think owns the TV stations- who tells the sheep what to think? You still need to be circumspect... especially around people like Ashby. That cunt that works for him still has a hardon for you. But don't worry, we've got you covered... just be careful what you say and who you say it to."

"Ok then, is that it?" Denning asked standing to leave.

"Pretty much... another drink before you go?" Lockhart asked standing himself.

"No thanks, I'm good. I need to get back." Denning offered his hand. Lockhart grasped it in a firm grip.

"So I can tell our people you're on board?" Lockhart asked.

"On board," Denning assured him.

When he was gone Lockhart shook his head laughing... These hicks are so damned easy to coopt.

The Night Gods were well pleased... There would be blood on the Moon...


GIF by @papa-pepper


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