#Fiftywords: Ages Apart (Tiny Story)

In his dreams. He finds himself in the same empty space, without any color or sound.


~ Salam (peace) again ~

My second entry in one week to @jayna's #fiftywords challenge, I didn't find any rule disallowing multiple entries and I like this prompt. "Space." I got the idea for this one before my other story... So here it is, enjoy:

Ages Apart

Whenever I slept, I found myself in that empty space.
No colors, no shapes, no feelings, total void.

There stood a pale old man.
He asked for something, but every time I couldn't hear.

Only now I understand...
"You're taking the wrong path."
I was talking to my younger self.

The End

What do you think?

I LOVE titles that make you think again after reading the stories of them, I tried to do that with this title. Did I succeed? Hope to hear your thoughts~

If you liked this story you might like my other entry "Big Fat Space" or my other #fiftywords stories like "Backyard", "Broken by Avalanche" & "Mothers last Chocolate."

Have a nice day.

Photo by Thom Schneider on Unsplash.
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