My Steemit Six Week Challenge - Week 3

My Steemit Six Week Challenge

Week 3

I think I'm starting to get the hang of this!

This week really wasn't bad at all. I've been eating less and juicing more, which has actually replaced my morning coffee. My energy levels are up, my mood has been lifted, and my focus in school is improving quickly!

I'm becoming more satisfied with my progress each day, and I can't even believe that I'm already done with half of my challenge!

So here it is...

August 30th, 2016

As far as workouts go...

Now that some of my strength is back, I want to start focusing on higher repetitions with a shorter resting time. Hopefully this will cause things to shape up more and burn fat in the process. I'll check in with you all next week!

Thank you for supporting me on My Steemit Six Week Challenge! If this is the first post you're seeing, here's a link to my introductory post for this challenge:/@lapants/my-steemit-six-week-challenge-week-1

Week 1: /@lapants/dzqpz-my-steemit-six-week-challenge-week-1

Week 2: /@lapants/my-steemit-six-week-challenge-week-2

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