Keto and Me, a Diabetic Journey #4 - Intermittent Fasting, What the Hell is That? 16/8 Method

At the beginning of my Keto journey, I discovered Intermittent Fasting in the form of the 16/8 method. The 16/8 method means that for 16 continuous hours a day, I do not eat. That may sound a bit extreme...


Yes, I walk a lot at my place of business, in fact they financially reward us for doing so...

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My window of opportunity opens at 9:00am and closes at 5:00pm...


At 9am, I'm ready for the goods but I have yet to be "starving"...



I feel great when I wake up, my energy level is higher than I can remember, and sometimes I'm not even hungry in the afternoon. On carbs, I was lethargic and tired all the time. My blood sugar was a roller coaster even on meds. Keto has really changed me and I'm not afraid to tell everyone.


all images are the property of the original artists, I have no rights

Kilroy Was Here

If you missed any of the previous editions of Keto and Me, as most of you did, I shall list them here...

Keto and Me, a Diabetic Journey #1 - Check Your Nuts!
Keto and Me, a Diabetic Journey #2 - The First Week In Kicked My Butt! Lost 10lbs so STFU!
Keto and Me, a Diabetic Journey #3 - Water + Electrolytes = Hydration!

3 columns
2 columns
1 column