Mouthgasmic Food Formulas: KIMCHI!!!

We are grateful for the opportunity to share food here in the Garden of Eden!

One way we do that is by giving away free food every single day, and we extend the offer to you too because we are here to help one and all: if you or anyone you know wants or needs food, contact us - we will give you free food, no questions asked. 

Another way we do that is by preparing daily feasts for our full time volunteers and having communal meals together, which we share here on the blockchain every day!

Photographs are a great way to share food across time and space to bring people together, and we also love to share the recipes behind the photos to inspire you to recreate the yumminess in your own kitchen & share with family and friends! 

Today, we want to share an excellent food formula for one of our most beloved staples: KIMCHI!!!!!

Stinky though they might be, fermented foods are actually great sources of probiotics, and we're all about keeping the gut in check - read through our month long candida cleanse experiment for more info. 

Kimchi is a spicy Korean fermentation of cabbage & other vegetables, and we love to have LOTS of it on hand for topping sandwiches and salads or even eating straight out of the jar! It takes a quite few days to do its fermenting thing, so we plan ahead to keep it in stock.

Further, we don't support the global military industrial complex, so we don't just be goin' out to the store any time we want some special ingredients! Instead, we make do with what we have in abundance - this is one of the keys to sustainability & an honorable life. So for this kimchi formula, rather than Napa cabbage like traditional  Korean kimchi calls for, we are using regular heads of regular ol' cabbage since we have so many right now. And because we are making this for our whole community, it  will be a great big batch we can store and share for a good while!  

These are approximate amounts. Kimchi does not have to be exact/precise to be amazing!

3 heads cabbage
4 cups carrots, cut into matchsticks
4 cups green onions, cut into 2 inch pieces  
4 cups chopped onions
1 cup fresh ginger
1 1/2 cups fresh garlic
1/2 cup red pepper flakes  
1/2 cup liquid aminos or soy sauce
1 tablespoon fish sauce (optional)
2 cups salt
Filtered water 

Chop up your cabbage into the desired size pieces. We cut them long and about an inch wide for this batch, although thinner slices would help it soften faster and be closer to the texture of Napa cabbage. 

Fill a bowl with filtered water and salt. Soak the cabbage for a couple of hours. 


Continue to prepare the other ingredients while cabbage is soaking: chop the carrots, onions and green onions.

Long and skinny looks nice.  

Coarsely chop the garlic and onions, and add them to the food  processor with the fish sauce (optional), red pepper flakes, and liquid aminos or  soy sauce. 

Blend until it is even and your garlic and ginger are nice and fine.  

Drain & rinse the cabbage, then mix everything together in a great big bowl.  

Put it all into a large ceramic or glass crock, and add water until it just barely covers the kimchi. Cover  the crock with a breathable cloth (like a couple of layers of cheese cloth or an old t-shirt). Put it in a cool, dark place and  allow it to ferment for 1-2 weeks. Check in on it every couple of days, pushing the cabbage down into the water if necessary.  

Ferment to taste - longer will be more sour, and a bit softer.  Be warned: kimchi gets real smelly as the cabbage breaks down & releases sulfur. You might not want to open it in a confined area...

Never mind the odor, it is going to taste wonderful! Serve with everything you like spicy, and be sure to eat it at least once a day to enjoy the benefits of healthful bacteria & microorganisms! Enjoy! 

Food is important, and we hope to inspire people to really take time to eat, enjoy it, and share it with someone you love. We also hope to inspire more and more sustainable practices in regards to food! 

Food is an honored & elemental part of our daily life in community. You can learn more about our unique, intimate, and super sustainable relationship with food here!

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