Candida Cleanse Week 5: What Are We Really Eating? 🍒 🍗 🍌 🍩 🍇

Our community followed an anti-candida protocol for many weeks, and we have been sharing our results on the blockchain as an honest record of our experience.

We hope to inspire many other people to embrace thriving health!

To catch up on the community experiment we are running to balance out our candida overgrowths, please check out some of our previous posts in this series:

We know how it is exciting to follow our detoxing progress, so today we present results from week 5!

For 4 days a week, we agreed to follow a diet based on fruits & veggies that eliminates sugar, meat, dairy, and most grains (which generally aligns with an alkaline diet) while we take 100% gum spirits of turpentine. For the next 3 "off" days, we eat whatever we want and do not take turpentine. 

We reported our actual diets for previous weeks here, here, and here. and observed that we got a little more lax with our diet in week 4. 

What did we actually eat during week 5?

Our consumption of fruits and veggies was still much higher than our consumption of meats and dairy products, even on our off days. Our meat, dairy, and wheat intake has increased dramatically from week 1 to week 5, but it looks like we still have a better balance of the healthy stuff, including fats, over processed foods since we began.

Let's compare our week 1 vs week 5 ON day results:

The chart above shows some obvious differences between our 1st and 5th weeks. We are eating less smoothies, raw fruits, raw veggie, and cooked veggies and more seeds, avocados, and nuts. A few people were also consuming dairy during recent "on" days. 

Now let's look at our week 1 vs week 5 OFF days:

We are still seeing positive trends among the other data points we are tracking, such as our saliva tests and pH levels (which will be reported in upcoming posts), and as you can see, some of our experiment participants are still consuming animal products as well as processed foods during off days. 

This shows that if you really love these food groups, you can indulge in them sometimes and still enjoy improvements to your health! You might have more drastic results if you completely eliminated these foods, but some people are just not willing to do that. Your lifestyle is your choice, and it is up to you to shape your health in anyway you see fit.

Here is the overall chart 5 week chart of ON and OFF days:

What trends do you observe in our diet over time? What questions, comments, or concerns does this bring up? 

We hope this will inspire you to do additional research and work towards the best possible health for yourself!

*This information is not intended to be medical advice; it is just shared research & experience.

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