World Class, Sustainable, Über Dank, High Vibe Cuisine: STEEMY Recipe & Photos for FRIED OKRA

Food is an important aspect of life in our community, and we’re enjoying sharing our unique and sustainable food reality with our fellow Steemians every day! 

We’re enjoying a plentiful harvest from our controversial okra plants this season! Did you know the okra plant makes a beautiful hibiscus-like flower?  

Today, we’d like to share the formula for another Eden Knight favorite:


1. Grind cornmeal. We grew some beautiful multi-colored corn this year! When it was nice and dry, we stripped it from the cob and ground it in a Vitamix until it was coarse cornmeal.

2. Chop okra into ¼” to ½” slices. The Eden Knights have their own preferences for the perfect size of fried okra--smaller pieces get crispier.

3. Batter the okra. We use a 3 step process for coating the okra: first, dip slices in a mix of half cornmeal with half flour with salt and pepper. Second, dip slices into eggs beaten with a little bit of milk and liquid aminos. Third, dip slices in cornmeal-flour mix again.


4. Fry okra. The trick is to get the oil hot enough. Test the temperature by dropping a battered okra slice in the oil; if it sizzles loud and proud and bubbly, the oil is ready. If it’s a wimpy, quiet little noise with weak bubbles, allow the pan to heat longer. Do not overcrowd the pan. Fry the okra until the batter is golden brown to your preference!


5. Serve okra hot. Pair it with a dipping sauce, if you prefer. 

We do all of our cooking over fire in our outdoor kitchen using our rocket stoves. To build your own rocket stove from dirt and bricks, follow our tutorial! Here’s a picture of our newest rocket stove:

We hope you're enjoying our feasts as much as we're enjoying sharing them! For past food spreads, check here or here or here or here or here or here or here.

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