Shrimp and Bacon Stuffed Cremini Mushrooms Recipe and Food Photo Shoot

I shared a few pictures of these things yesterday and today I decided to start the day by sharing the recipe.  It got a lot of love, from us and from everyone else so here goes!

A reminder, I hate shrimp and mushrooms, but if you combine them with cheeses and bacon apparently they're doable. A great appetizer at the very least. I enjoyed these WAY more than expected.

BACON! Chopped into much finer pieces and fried.

Shrimp chopped the same way, I used really unspecific amounts and had a lot of filling. It doesn't take much so don't make too much.

All sauteed together with onions in a pan with butter.

18 pesos for that container at Walmart, here.

The shrimp was added last to make sure the bacon was finished enough.  The shrimp takes very little time to cook,just a few minutes.

I tried to make an improvised...thing of sorts with the rest of the filling.  It got burnt and fed to the dogs.

I used parmesan cheese.

Roasted at 250 degrees celcius until they look like this, about 25 minutes.

I cannot resist adding goat cheese to everything when it's in my fridge. That's the crumbly stuff.  I don't know what the black stuff is, but I like it.

These were so good. Really, try them.

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