Too Many Sweets!!

Friday Market World Tour Organized by Ms. Denise

If you don't know what the Market Friday is - boy, you are in for a treat!!!

Every Friday, the lovely Ms. Denise, also known as @dswigle gets all her friends and future friends (maybe you) to post pictures of markets they have been to.

You get to go shopping all over the US, in Africa, Europe and - actually, everywhere in the world. So cool to see what is the same all over the world and what is different.

Well, I am still sharing with you Costco like I did last week and the week before. It is a big store - what can I say.


Yes, my friends, Christmas season is upon us!!! And people are going crazy and broke to buy as many presents as possible.

And stores are ready. If the Santa's above are not to your liking, these chips just might be.


On the other hand, Chocolate is always a good thing to have, right?


It is a good thing for me that I am super picky about chocolate and don't like these brands.

I know, I know. They are supposed to be good. And they are way better than Sea's candy or Hersheys (sorry if you happen to like those brands). But as I said, I am a bit of a chocolate snob.


Nope, not even this one will do.


I don't know why, but for some reason, this assemble looks to me like there is a bunch of mint involved. I love mint tea!! I love fresh mint in my tabouli and in many other dishes. But mint in chocolate - or ice cream for that matter - do not cross those lips of mine.


Even Starbucks gifts can be found here. Really? There is a Starbucks on every corner! But I guess one-stop shopping is what it is all about.

By now, you think that this time of the year, with all the parties and goodies on every corner, is not an opportunity for some serious weight gain for me. Oh, I wished you were right. You are not! Because next, we are seeing this!!


Oh no!! Lindt chocolate!! Now that, I like.


And this right next to it!! Temptation!!


Seeing these familiar golden balls almost broke me. They were a very popular item in my store. Europeans, as well as Middle Easterners, customarily bring a gift when visiting. Ferrero was a great seller!!!



Costco was starting to sell it at this price!! I paid more than that to my suppliers!! And had to almost sell it for double the Costco price to make any money. Needless to say, I started to buy from Costco for resale - but only could do a small markup for those who wanted the convenience to run into a small store and be out in a few minutes.

They were willing to pay a couple of dollars more. But certainly not double the price.


Did I mention that I like Lindt Chocolate? Now, that is good size chocolate ball!!

Even though my friend @topkpop told us on her radio show NOT to give edibles to women for Christmas, if you have an extra one of those laying around, you have my permission to give it to me! LOL


All images are my own unless otherwise cited.


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Joel Salatin - Interview and Blog Post

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