Easy-Peasy Veggie Dinner with an avocado dip! - RECIPE & PHOTO SHOOT - #veganwednesday

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Hi sweethearts!! How do you like to eat your vegetables? Raw with a dip, in salad, cooked or baked? Or a combination of them all! I am currently addicted with baked eggplants with other veggies BAKED in the oven. OMG, cant really write this without drooling;) This is my perfect dinner (keep it simple guys), and same goes for my partner and baby boy. I had some difficulties with the photo shoot, because they both were watching and impatient waiting to get some warm baked veggies. Thats why I cant say it is the prettiest pictures, but who cares, when the taste is all that counts? After 2 minutes my little boy started to pick the veggies he wanted to try, and the photo session was over.

One small secret: I made the Lentil-Curry, that I posted yesterday, one hour before this dish, no actually I made those 2 meals simultaneously. My partner is the biggest fan of eggplants, so he waited for those baked veggies to get ready, although he just had 3 bowls of the Lentil-Curry dish! I was waiting for them to go out so I could get some work done (and to speak with my dear @nicoleslife ), but they couldnt resist my veggies. Thats how good they are. I have made this dinner several times for the past few days, and want to make it today again!
I know, eggplants is not for everybody, but if you like them, you will truly love them baked, especially with some olive oil and sea salt...

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@nicoleslife has challenged me and some other friends to tell 5 facts about our self, that noone here on Steemit knows about. So, I will see if I can find 5 secret facts for you!

So lets start with number one and than continues with the other four (+one extra):

  • I got marriage when I was 18 with a guy I had known for 6 months. For him it was all about the papers, for me it was more, an adventure! We lived together for 3 years, and they his wife from Kosovo moved in to his (our) appartment.
  • I was depressed for several years during my teens. I saw life and everything that happend through the question: why do I live? What is the meaning of life? Those years changed me completely, and it was definitely the most diffucult time of my life. I considered taking my life, and cut my arms with razor blades, yes that was how difficult it was. But the strange thing is, that cutting myself actually helped in one way, because for me, my inner pain became physically, and that was easier to handle, than the inner pain that I couldnt put in words nor understand.
  • I was born in the Netherlands, but grew up in Sweden. My parents got a job on an organic farm when I was only a baby, so we moved to Sweden year 1991.
  • My family is big, I have 5 siblings, my father got 2 more children with his second wife. I am the oldest one;)
  • I had 2 miscarriage before I got pregnant with my little boy. The first one was a real suprise as I didnt even know that I was pregnant. It was a chock though. The second one was very dramatic and I had to spend 11 days at the hospital and go through a surgery that took many weeks to recover from.
  • One extra fact: I am a badass horseback rider! (I really miss to feel the horse-powers here in the city.)

So now its my turn to challenge some of my friends: @trucklife-family , @amy-goodrich , @heart-to-heart , @lymepoet and @missdeli to share 5 facts (or more) about you that we dont know yet!

Now it is finally time for this easy-peasy recipe you have been waiting for!

Baked Veggies with an Avo-Dip

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  • a few potatoes
  • 2 sweet potatoes
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 or 2 eggplants (I had 2)
  • 200 g tomatoes (I love cherry tomatoes)
  • 1 paprica
  • 1-2 garlic cloves (pressed or chopped)
  • virgin olive oil
  • sea salt
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  • slice the eggplant(s) and rub them with sea salt. Set aside and let them ´sweat´ for some minutes.
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  • Slice or chop the other veggies.
  • wipe the eggplants with a clean towel. No need to wash them, just be sure they are dry. Then turn the eggplants in olive oil. Dont leave any spot without.
  • Place the eggplants and the veggies on a parchment paper, spread the pressed garlic(s) on the veggies, sprinkle some olive oil and sea salt and pepper on the veggies, and bake at 200 degree celsius for 45-60 minutes, or until they get some colour.
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Avocado dip:

  • 1 ripe avocados
  • splash lemon juice
  • sea salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 pressed garlic


  • combine the ingredients for the avo-dip in a bowl and use a fork to mash the avocados and to mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  • serve with the warm baked veggies. Garnish with some fresh herbs.

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This is my entry for the #veganwednesday contest by my dear girl @heart-to-heart ! Hope you like baked veggies as much as I do!

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Love, Niina

Cant get enough? You can alo find me here:


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Life & Inspiration:

Thank you all! ❤
I want to inspire you to live your dreams, eat delicious, wholesome, nourishing, healthy food, and keep a creative mind. We all can do that, now!

Health starts inside our mind.

All content and images are mine and original. If you want to share my work, you are welcome. Just remember to tag me.

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