LAST MINUTE EASTER DESSERT! Coconut Ice-Cream Bundt Cake with hot Jam and Chocolate! Vegan & GF! A foolproof recipe for everyone!

Hi guys! After some days spent offline, I am back with a new recipe that I created this week. for my family that are visiting us from Sweden right now. They really liked it, so I thought it would be a good idea to share my recipe with you guys!!

I also made some other sweet treats for them, because whats a better excuse to bake and create new exciting recipes, then when you are having guests, right!;)

These are sweet (not to sweet though!), ice-cream cakes made without a icecream machine, but you need a high speed blender, or a strong food processor to make them. I choose to make them with a simple vanilla flavour, but you can actually add some mango, berries, chocolate chunks or anything else that you like. Today I will share the simpliest version of them, but feel free to add some fruits/berries.

I always try to make my recipes so simple as possible, so that everyone can try it out and will succeed with the recipe. That leaves of course a great amount of possibilities for you if you consider yourself as a experienced baker to add your own touch. We all bake and create in different ways, some of us like to follow recipes step by step, and others just need recipes to get inspired by, to create their own version.

This recipe is:

  • gluten free
  • raw
  • refined sugar free (only 2 tbsp coconut nectar or other sweetener!)
  • vegan
  • 100% love!
  • a cold & hot dessert!
  • perfect for you to get create! You can put vegan chocolate eggs inside the cakes for a little suprise.
  • a Easter Dessert for your family dinner;)

Coconut Ice-Cream Bundt Cake with hot Jam and Chocolate!

I love the combination of hot jam and melted chocolate and the cold ice-cream cake!


Makes about 5 small cakes.


Ice-Cream cake:

  • 1/2 cup cashew nuts (soak them for at least 8 hours)
  • 2 tbsp coconut nectar or maple syrup
  • 70 g extra virgin coconut oil
  • 25 g cacao butter
  • 1 tbsp coconut butter
  • 80 g coconut milk
  • vanilla to taste


  • 70 g dates, pitted and chopped
  • 80 g nuts of choice
  • 1 tbsp raw cacao powder or cacao nibs
  • pinch vanilla

(You can also use 1/2 of my chocolate muffin recipe, spread the batter out on parchment paper and bake for 15-25 minutes, then cut out the base for the cakes. This option is not for you if you want to keep your cakes raw!;))

Blueberry Jam:

  • 2 cups blueberries (I always use the wild blueberries for my jam)
  • splash of lemon juice
  • sweetener when needed (I never add sweetener because I think berries are enough sweet how they are. But follow your own sweet tooth!)


  • 100 g raw sugar free chocolate, or your favourite one.


  1. Start with the base. Blend all the ingredients until crumble and continue until you have the texture you like. I like the smoother texture for these cakes, so I blended it a little longer. Set aside.
  2. Melt the cacao butter in a water bath and set aside.
  3. Blend all the ingredients for the ice-cream cake except for the cacao butter and vanilla, in your blender/food processor until it is very smooth. Blend some more to make sure it is as creamy it can be! Add the cacao butter and vanilla to your batter and blend some more, until well combined!
  4. Pour the ice-cream small silicon molds and put them in the freezer for at least 2 hours.
  5. Take them out from the freezer and press down the base dough on the ice-cream.
  6. While you melt the chocolate in a water bath, let the cakes defrost in the fridge.
  7. Add all the jam-ingredients in a small pan, and let it cook for 1 minutes. Redure the heat and let the jam simmer for 5-10 minutes. Blend to make it smooth.
  8. Press out the ice-cream cakes from the molds and place them on plates. Pour over the melted chocolate and than the warm jam.
  9. Enjoy!!! ;)

This is the before picture, I wanted to show you how it looked like, when it wasnt covered in jam and chocolate. I also did add a lot more jam and chocolate on my ice-cream cakes than I show above. Dont let my pictures fool you ;)!!

Thank you for stopping by darlings, hope you enjoy my recipe and Easter treat!!
I am having my family from Sweden in Vienna for a couple of days, so I spend most of the time offline as you may have noticed. They are going home tomorrow, so stay tuned for more awesome recipes and articles coming your way very soon. :) Also, I am going to announce a new contest next week to celebrate my birthday. Sounds exciting?
Yea it is!


Love, Niina

Ps. Check out my instagram and blog for many simple and healthy vegan recipes.

While you are still here, take your time to check out my other recipes and recent posts:

  1. Chocolate Muffins with a blueberry jam filling! GF, refined sugar free, vegan and so juicy RECIPE to try out today!
  3. Sweet Pumpkin Pancakes - Vegan RECIPE - #fruitsandveggiesmonday
  4. How to find your inner purpose in life❤
  5. CHOCOLATE CUPS to die for!With roasted almond filling and peanut butter! RECIPE!
  6. Healthy Breakfast & Dessert Idea - Vegan Recipe! Millet Porridge with a warm Blueberry Jam
  7. 3 Ingredient Pancakes! Recipe! VEGAN, SUGAR & GLUTEN FREE. And how I contribute to a happier, and healthier world.
  8. MATCHA-CHOCOLATE CAKE! Recipe - Vegan - Raw
  9. HELP NEEDED! CHOCOLATE MUFFINS! Gluten free and refined sugar free

Thank you all! ❤
I want to inspire you to live your dreams, eat delicious, nourishing, healthy food, and keep a creative mind. We all can do that, now!

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