Fried Starch from Cassava Root in The Evening #Foodphotography

Cireng stands for "aci goreng" or "fried starch (tapioca)".

Tapioca is a starch extracted from cassava root. This is a kind of traditional Sundanese snack. Basically, this food is similar with Pempek Palembang. But, pempek contains fish, while cireng does not.

It is said that this food was famous in the 1980s and is now growing considerably:1

Along with the times, cireng has been innovated to a variety of flavors that include chicken, beef, sausage, basso, to cheese and chicken teriyaki. Innovations are not only in taste but form, for example is cimol.

This innovations make cireng business tempting. Yusuf Setiady, entrepreneur in South Jakarta, created cireng with various contents, such as cheese, oncom, beef, and sausage.

Although only six months in cireng business, Joseph's achievement is amazingly brilliant. Now, every month he can earn up to Rp 120 million. "My profit is about 20 percent," said Yusuf.2

*Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!*
Settings1/20 sec. f/2.2 4.15mm ISO 250
CameraApple iPhone 6
LocationBogor, West Java, Indonesia


Cireng itu singkatan dari "aci goreng".

Ini bahasa Sunda yang artinya tepung kanji (tapioka) yang digoreng. Kalau dipikir-pikir sebetulnya mirip dengan pempek Palembang. Bedanya, pempek mengandung ikan, sedangkan cireng tidak.

Konon makanan ini terkenal pada 1980-an dan kini suah berkembang jauh:3

Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, cireng telah terinovasi hingga variasi rasa yang ada mencakup daging ayam, sapi, sosis, baso, hingga keju dan ayam teriyaki. Bahkan inovasi tidak hanya secara rasa namun bentuk, contohnya adalah cimol.

Inovasi yang belakangan inilah yang kini membuat bisnis cireng menggiurkan. Yusuf Setiady, pengusaha di kawasan Jakarta Selatan, menciptakan produk cireng dengan aneka isi, seperti keju, oncom, daging sapi, hingga sosis.

Kendati baru enam bulan menggeluti bisnis cireng, pencapaian Yusuf luar biasa cemerlang. Kini, saban bulan dia mampu menangguk omzet sampai Rp 120 juta. "Laba saya sekitar 20 persen," klaim Yusuf.4


1. Wikipedia, "Cireng"
2. Kompas, "Laba Ratusan Juta dari Cireng"
3. Wikipedia, op.cit..
4. Kompas, op.cit..

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