Solihin, Tofu Seller in The Night Market #Portraitphotography

"I came from far away. Cibinong," he said.

His name was Solihin. He was old enough. I thought he was around 70 years. The wrinkles on his face showed the journey of his life.

But he was reluctant to stay at home a whole day. He was poor but did not want to be a beggar. He becama tofu seller. He brought a basket of Sumedang tofu everywhere. Where there was a crowd he came. He had heard there was a circus on this Bogor square and there might be a night market and crowds. So he came here.

He was a friendly person and smiled happily when I took his photo. Solihin put his tofu basket on the ground, next to the other traders who had come from anywhere. He talked with other merchants. They knew each other or have the same fate: potential consumer in this market.

As long as there is a crowd, as long as there is night market, these merchants can still earn money and live. This circus is open for a month. And, Solihin hopes to get money here.

Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!

Settings1/40 sec. f/10 48mm ISO 3200
CameraCanon EOS Rebel T1i
LensCanon EF-S 18-55mm SLR Lens
LocationBogor, West Java, Indonesia

Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!


Dia pedagang tahu di pasar malam.

"Aku datang dari jauh. Dari Cibinong," kata dia.

Namanya Solihin. Usianya sudah lanjut. Aku perkirakan sekitar 60 atau 70 tahun. Kerutan-kerutan di wajahnya menunjukkan perjalanan hidupnya.

Tapi dia enggan berpangku tangan. Dia tak mau meminta-minta. Dia berdagang. Membawa tahu Sumedang satu keranjang ke mana-mana. Di mana ada keramaian dia datang. Dia mendengar ada sirkus di lapangan ini dan pasti ada pasar malam dan orang ramai. Itu pangsa pasarnya. Maka hari itu dia ke mari.

Dia orang yang ramah dan tersenyum senang ketika difoto. Solihin meletakkan keranjang tahunya di tanah, bersebelahan dengan pedagang-pedagang lain yang entah datang dari mana. Dia berbincang dengan pedagang lain. Tampaknya mereka saling kenal atau bernasib sama: mengais rupiah di pasar ini.

Selama ada keramaian, selama ada pasar malam, para pedagang ini masih dapat menangguk rezeki. Ada saja yang membeli barang dagangan mereka. Sirkus ini buka selama sebulan. Maka, selama itu pula pasar malam hidup. Dan, Solihin berharap menemukan rezekinya di sini.

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