Life advice from an imperfect human


*Disclaimer: I'm totally unqualified to dispense life advice. Enter at your own risk.

  • Sniff your food before you taste it (same applies to lovers).

  • Worrying is a waste of energy. Either it'll happen or it won't. Prepare for possibilities and deal with the outcome, whatever that may be.

  • Never initiate conversation with any stranger wielding a weapon.


  • Don't make promises when you're drunk or high.

  • When trying to seduce someone, eye contact is important. Learn the difference between the seductive gaze and a psychotic glare.

  • Don't smile too much. It makes you look fake or retarded. Nobody's happy all the time. Pack it in. Only smile when you mean it.

  • Try not to smell too bad.

  • Listen to your body. It knows. Except maybe when it comes to drugs or chocolate, in which case it definitely tells lies.

  • Find something you love to do. Practice. Get paid for doing it.


  • Don't overdo selfies. Unless you're fascinating in some outstanding way, nobody's interested in your selfies.

  • Don't work for other people. They will profit from your effort. You won't.

  • Too much exercise does more harm than good. Learn moderation.

  • Nothing is certain. Learn to live with that. There's no absolute security in life. You can build a fortress and pack it with guards yet still die from a bee sting or lightening strike.


  • If you need to flush more than once, it's time to adjust your diet.

  • Be honest. This is a magical skill. Practice compassionate honesty (don't just blurt out random truths :P) and you'll find yourself surrounded by people and situations with which you're aligned. Superficial contacts will fizzle out.

  • Educate yourself. Approximately 99% of everything I learned in school has been useless.

  • Get a mentor. You'll learn much faster with guidance from someone who's been there before you. They've made the mistakes and can point out and help rectify yours.

  • Don't be a people pleaser. Please yourself first. If the knock-on effect is to make others happy, so be it. Some people will try to manipulate you this way and that. They'll use emotional reward~punishment mechanisms to get their own way. These people are never satisfied with your 'progress'. Be you. If they don't like 'you', tell them to fuck off.

  • Learn to rely on yourself. Don't be dependent on others. This gives them power over your life. They can pull the rug at any time, leaving you vulnerable. Make your own way.

  • Love the right people. Don't waste energy on takers or fair-weather friends (this includes family members too). They'll drain you.


  • Positive self-talk is bullshit. Self-help gurus get rich selling people the idea that talking positively to yourself in the mirror will help fix your insecurities. Bullshit! If you wanna feel better about yourself, you have to do things that make you feel better – learn a new skill, help the community or engage in enjoyable activities. Just do it.

  • You are you. You're not your house, your job, your car, your spouse, your kids, your gadgets... Strip all these things away and what's left? Find the answer to that.



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All pics in my blog are either mine, or freely available online (pixabay, wikimedia, pexels, flickr, public domain pictures), labelled for reuse and doctored by me

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