Taking Fake News to the next level: How far will you go to destroy a President? The New York Times is willing to out the CIA's Iran chief!

The New York Times just outed the CIA's top Iran spy

Was Michael D'Andrea The Wolf in Zero Dark Thirty?

By gleefully publishing that Michael D'Andrea, nicknamed the Dark Prince or Ayatollah Mike, as Mike Pompeo's new Iran chief, the New York Times has taken fake news to the next level by publishing the truth.
The Washington Post did not specifically mention D'Andrea's current assignment.

Please weigh in on these issues:

1. Who does the New Times work for?

Iran has been one of the hardest targets for the C.I.A. The agency has extremely limited access to the country — no American embassy is open to provide diplomatic cover — and Iran’s intelligence services have spent nearly four decades trying to counter American espionage and covert operations.
New York Times

2. How much collateral damage is the New York Times willing to permit to occur in order to take down Donald J. Trump?

The C.I.A. declined to comment on Mr. D’Andrea’s role, saying it does not discuss the identities or work of clandestine officials. The officials spoke only on the condition of anonymity because Mr. D’Andrea remains undercover, as do many senior officials based at the agency’s headquarters in Langley, Va. Mr. Eatinger did not use his name. The New York Times is naming Mr. D’Andrea because his identity was previously published in news reports, and he is leading an important new administration initiative against Iran.
The New York Times

3. Outside of the United States, would your country send a journalist to prison for this expose?

And Ezra Cohen-Watnick, the council’s senior director for intelligence — the main White House liaison to intelligence agencies — has told other administration officials that he wants to use American spies to help oust the Iranian government, according to multiple defense and intelligence officials.
The New York Times

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