Zero Dark Thirty: the hunt for Osama bin Laden.

Zero Dark Thirty details the hunt for Osama bin Laden: the greatest manhunt in history.

  • Was Maya composite character in Zero Dark Thirty mainly based on Alfreda Frances Bikowsky head of the CIA's Bin Laden Issue Station & the Global Jihad unit.
  • Was Bikowsky's identity deduced by journalists in 2011?
Barack Obama's contribution to the capture of bin Laden

The one time the president does appear in ‘Zero Dark Thirty’ is in a clip from a ‘60 Minutes’ interview in which he criticizes the use of ‘torture.’ By this point in the film, the audience has already seen that the CIA has employed coercive interrogation techniques on an al Qaeda detainee that produced a key lead in the hunt for bin Laden. In the film, Obama’s opposition to torture comes off as wrongheaded and prissy.
Critics on Obama, Zero Dark Thirty

Who deserves the credit?

So will the film impact the public’s perception of bin Laden’s death? After all, the media gave credit to President Barack Obama for capturing the terrorist leader even though Obama spoke out specifically against enhanced interrogation. … In theory, bin Laden would still be alive and plotting more attacks had Obama’s ‘no torture’ policy been in place.
Critics on Obama, Zero Dark Thirty quoting’s Christian Toto.

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