The Shed - An Old Steemians Home Story

Last week, @omra-sky created a story featuring a few of the freewriters living together. Since then, we have shamelessly moved in and are running wild! (Here's to hoping that he doesn't charge rent! 💰)

If you haven't read any of the stories yet, I highly recommend that you do. While each freewrite can stand on its own, there is a grander story arc developing. None of us know exactly where this is going, and that's what's frightening fun! The links to each (click the images) are located at the bottom of the page.

The scent of primrose on the evening breeze flirted with the kitchen curtains. @Fitinfun was slicing up jicama and idly listening to the occasional words that would drift in from the deck outside. Twice, her knife had paused, the words "tighter" and "distraction" steering her thoughts to a winter day, a red scarf, and the lock on the shed out back.

Her terrified screams fading into a wet gurgle. A horrific singed odor of charred flesh... That god-awful high pitched electrical hum before....

Footsteps pounding in the hallway jerked Fitinfun from her memory. Through the doorway, @Brisby and @F3nix rushed and skidded to a halt, flush-faced and panting. Held between them, a squirming mass of something was rolled in what looked to be the rug from the front door.

"The Captain?" Brisby questioned, voice thin and desperate.

Fitinfun's knife shakily pointed at the deck where @Deaconlee and @Omra-Sky were having their discussion. F3nix and Brisby rushed with the rug out to the deck and into the yard, both yelling "Shed!" behind them. Scrambling footsteps hit the deck as the two men rushed to follow.

Through the kitchen window, Fitinfun watched as the Captain took Brisby's place holding the rug. Omra-Sky unlocked the shed door as F3nix called to what was inside, "Hey Ugly! Surprise coming to you!"

Previous Old Steemians Home Stories

Images linked to post

The Old Steemians Home by @omra-sky

Flash! Day 66 #freewrite by @snook

Old Steemians Home Christmas Eve by @brisby

Old Steemians Netflix Ep 12:
The Waiting by @snook

Just a Pillow by @f3nix

Children's Games by @f3nix

The Old Steemians Home:
Omra's Tale (Part 1) by @omra-sky

Image via pixabay
For the Weekend Freewrite Option Prompt - Surprise Coming To You by @mariannewest.
Thank you for bringing us together and for all that you do Marianne!

The #freewrite group is filled with creative and supportive people! Click the link to join in!

Thank you for reading!

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