Poetry Digest - Nineteenth Edition

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Poetry Digest - Nineteenth Edition

Welcome back to the weekly Poetry Digest brought to you today by @wandrnrose7.

Thank you, everyone, for your submissions. Each week we are delighted to see your excellent poems prompted by the freewrite challenge sponsored by @mariannewest. Your submissions are proof that a five-minute writing session can produce wonderful and insightful poetry forever recorded on the blockchain.

Without further ado, here are this week's selections. If you do not see your poem this week, please continue sharing your poetry and your poem may appear in an upcoming digest!

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@ latino.romano recommends:
Hola mis queridos amigos, hoy quiero recomendar el poema que @larryparra escribió en el proyecto Spanish Freewrite para el tema "mercado de pulgas". Queria recomendar a este amigo porque 1)él realmente se dedica a las artes plásticas y es uno de los mejores reposteros que tiene el Estado Zulia en Venezuela. Hace un tiempo aceptó con algo de temor la invitación a escribir para el proyecto, y lo hizo de manera sensacional. Últimamente ha colocado unos poemas muy cautivadores como este que les presento aquí... Él combinó el tema del mercado de pulgas para hablar de alguien que busca comprar un "amor" o una "amada". Su poesía es rítmica y agradable espero que les guste:

google translation:
Hello my dear friends, today I want to recommend the poem that @larryparra wrote in the Spanish Freewrite project for the theme "flea market". I wanted to recommend this friend because 1) he really dedicates himself to the plastic arts and is one of the best bakers in Zulia State in Venezuela. Some time ago he accepted with some fear the invitation to write for the project, and he did it in a sensational way. Lately he has placed some very captivating poems like this that I present here ... He combined the theme of the flea market to talk about someone looking to buy a "love" or a "beloved". Your poetry is rhythmic and nice I hope you like it:

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This post is expired, please vote on a more recent post.

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@kaerpediem recommends:
I was pleasantly surprised with what the prompt "On The Other Side" did for @rokhani
Reading it gave me all sorts of ideas on stories I could write
That's what creativity is supposed to do right? Inspire
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@wonderwop recommends:

This week I would like to nominate @emms poem on the prompt pill. Too often, doctors are quick to prescribe medication to a patient without even testing or diagnosing an illness. My sister got her doctor to send a prescription to the pharmacy to treat her, and she's never been tested for gout before. I'm sure it wasn't an addictive pill but still. Make sure you take your medicine as prescribed. Great job @emms. 👏

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@wonderwop says:

I saw this one today by @wordymouth, on the prompt tears, and it had me balling like a little girl. How anybody can put eleven words together to bring so much feeling to ones heart 💓 is beyond me. I just hope that if I keep doing #freewrites, I might have the inspiration to create something so beautiful. Excellent work wordy! 👏

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And @whatisnew recommends this one.
@wordymouth writes a beautiful poem describing the transformation of the summer sky beginning at sunrise and throughout the day before a summer storm hits. This isn't 50 words but I wanted this poem to be included. @wordymouth/postmeridian-cynosure-reflected-in-morning-light

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@tristancrax writes on the complexity of relationships as a man struggles with a dark truth and wears a mask to disguise the pain of guilt and loss.

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And this recommendation from @kaerpediem
The other one is from @tristancarax
I have to admit, it had me until the last two lines and then I was like... "What happened here?" haha
Go have a read here

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@genalbrethsen ponders the path of life residing behind the mask and reveals the ultimate goal of this course.

Here is what @improv has to say about this poem:

Is about the superhero we all are! The one who can do anything, but who can't be ourselves. Because what are you? It's written in short stanzas with a nice repeated phrase that turns the lens not only on who we are ourselves, but also on the other people in our lives.

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@improv writes a deeply insightful poem regarding the aftermath of tears and painful discoveries leaving us with food for thought.

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@whatisnew writes her thoughtful poem on describe your shoes as she mourns the change of seasons.

This is @wonderwop's take:

I saw this one last night before I went to bed by our resident kitty cat @whatisnew. It's a cute little poem on the prompt describe your shoes. I think everybody has a favorite pair of shoes, that go to pair, for getting a pedicure or a short trip to the market. We really don't have seasons in Texas 🇨🇱 so I use my favorite pair year round. Go visit 🐈 poem and give it an upvote! I think you'll like it.

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@creativesoul, a newcomer to the digest pours out a deeply emotive poem using the promt tears.

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@cryptocopy shares a delightful poem describing the nature of women using the prompt describe your shoes

What matters is you don't judge a girl by her footwear
'Cause she is so much more than her shoes.


Today I found this cool poem by @cryptocopy on the prompt describe your shoes. They describe how you should not judge a person by the look of their shoes. They may be worn and comfortable for the everyday challenge with children or new and stylish for a night on the town. I have to admit, I look at a women's shoes before I look up...at her eyes! 👠

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Want to make sure this one from @jakim7 gets included in the next digest:
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The translation:
Utopia with a Goddess

I dreamed that I undressed you slowly I
felt that you were burning me,
that your damp and resplendent hair
in the bathroom was falling
in love, in that utopian place I saw you lead
the body that to my tired eyes you offered, I
also remember how you tried to seduce
and hypnotize my life the rest of my days,
I could see how the doorknob
melted when your body brushed it,
you were burning lava that devoured everything,
a burning rock on a deserted beach,
I came to think that we fought a battle
that beat me in mourning and Your body won me
but with a quick movement I removed the towel,
already soulless I could see Venus as I imagined it,
when from that ethereal dream I could wake up
my life would not be the same, I could not dream again,
nor see in flea market or in a similar place
only at the end of my life I would return to find…

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I hope you enjoyed these poems. If the poem is past payout, please find a recent post to share a vote and comment to support these lovely poets!

A vote on an expired post does go back to the reward pool and has no benefit to you or the author.

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Please tag us with #freewritepoetrydigest or #freewritepoetry so that we can find your work!! And if you see a piece of freewrite poetry of a fellow freewriter which really speaks to you, leave us a link in the comments - or better yet, save the link and enter it in the Friday Recommend a Freewrite Poem contest.

Happy poetic writing!


Remember to recommend a fellow Freewrite Poet and Win SBI

We have a recommend a Freewrite Poem contest at the Freewrite House. All you need to do is keep track of your favorite Freewrite poets and leave a comment with at least 50 words telling us about the poem. We are experimenting to run it for a full week. That gives you lots of time to share your favorite Freewrite poems.

We have a random drawing for SBI membership(s) - depending on how many sponsors we have - and also for several 100% upvotes.

Your comment always gets a 20% upvote - you win and win and win by participating!!


We Welcome Sponsors for our Contests!!!

  • Please consider sponsoring one of our contests. We so much appreciate this and so do all the Freewriters. If you sponsor SBI - you know that you also benefit.
  • Or you can send us Steem or SBD with instructions how you would like it to be used - or leave it up to us.
  • Your name will be mentioned in many of our posts and in the Daily Prompt.
  • Our collective gratefulness will follow you around 😂


Make sure to participate in all the fun events at the Freewrite House

Regular Features

  • Freewrite House Supporter of the Week - Monday
  • Recommend your Favorite Freewrite and Win SBI - Tuesday
  • We-Write and win SBI - Every other Wednesday
  • Freewrite Favorites - Thursday
  • Recommend your Favorite Freewrite Poem - and Win SBI - Friday
  • Over 20 Club - Saturday
  • Poetry Digest - Sunday


Join the Freewrite daily prompt


And join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

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