Weekend Freewrite 2: The Dramatic Twist - November 11, 2017


The Weekend Freewrite - The Dramatic Twist

If you want to do the full weekend freewrite and you haven’t done “The First Sentence” don’t read on, click here

Now comes your dramatic twist.

Prompt 3: the time he caught a flyball

  • Write the twist as the continuation of your story
  • Set timer for 5 minutes
  • Write
  • Use # freewrite and # weekendfreewrite
  • Publish your piece
  • Paste a link to your freewrite in the comment section of this post.

What do you think? Do you like this weekend freewrite challenge. It does go a bit deeper than the one word or one prompt freewrite. A bit more challenging. But so much fun!!

This week’s prompts are taken from The Writer’s Toolbox.

I am thinking of doing a three part prompt one of the weekend days (my weekend). I will try for Saturday since some of you are many hours ahead of me. But often, my Saturdays are very busy - then, it will be on my Sunday.

Hope you are having fun with this!!


All images are my own unless otherwise cited.


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