Weekend Freewrite 2: First Sentence - November 11, 2017


Weekend FreeWrite November 11, 2017

Hello, Beautiful Freewriters.

We have been writing together for over three weeks now! Last week, I added a weekend freewrite for those of you who want to spend a bit more time on this.

If this is the first time you came upon one of our freewrite posts click here to read the original post.

If you just want to do the short prompt, click here and use one from the compilation.

But basically, this is the process. You get a prompt, set a timer and start writing right away, without thinking what you want to write, without stopping. Write for 5 min.

Throughout the years, I have been part of several freewriting groups and found The Writer’s Toolbox to have great prompts. Some are a bit far-fetched which makes it even more fun to use.

This is how the weekend free write is different: 3 prompts - 5 minutes each.
The first prompt, this prompt you are reading right now, is the first sentence for you to use. Write 5 minutes. The First sentence prompt will always have the green graphic you see in this post.

Then comes the second part- the interference. This is a new post. Use it and write for 5 more minutes. The second prompt will always have a graphic with a yellow background.

The third part is a dramatic twist. Write it down that sentence wherever your timer stopped you on the second 5 minute freewrite and continue writing where that prompt takes you for 5 more minutes. The Dramatic twist prompt will always have a purple background for the graphic.

As always, don’t judge your writing and just see where it will take you. If you have time and later want to polish your piece, feel free. But remember that part of the 5 minutes deal is to make it possible to do this on a regular basis.

If you rather just stick with one 5 minute freewrite, just choose any one of the prompts. If you do all three, please post your link in the comments of the third prompt. Use #freewrite and #weekendfreewrite


Prompt First Sentence: "I like hats." That's what Donald said the day before he killed Sally.

Set timer: 5 Minutes

  • Write down the prompt sentence: ""I like hats." That's what Donald said the day before he killed Sally."
  • This is your first sentence. Continue writing the story presenting itself to you.
  • Continue writing without stopping
  • Look for the Second Prompt

Find the second prompt here:

Please write one story from all 3 prompts and post it in the comments of the last (third) prompt.

More Explanation

Last week, when we tried this for the first time, I was asked some good questions about this thing -
this weekend freewrite. That made me realize that if you haven't been around a writing community this kind of prompt writing might sound very weird.

Here is a bit more of an explanation: The several prompt approach to freewriting is an exercise to take us out of what our brains might come up with on their own and open new neuropathways - so to speak. When we start writing a prompt, we go write what is familiar on some level.

A second prompt makes us explore a completely new direction and connect that somehow with what we already wrote.

The third prompt forces us to once again shift directions and figure out how to bring this story together and to an end.

It is kind of like driving to work on a familiar road. But suddenly, there is a detour and we end up driving through new neighborhoods and seeing all kinds of amazing things we never knew were there.

We often get stuck in shoulds, meaning that we were told at one point that a story, or writing, needs to be like...... you fill in the blanks. Or we just write that what we are familiar with.

This kind of freewrite helps to open the creative forces and let go of any restrictions we put on ourselves..

I used prompts from The Writer's Toolbox for this exercise.

Some Examples from Last Week

The prompts were

  1. There she was, Amy Gerstein, over by the pool, kissing my father
  2. On the following Friday, We packed our bags and planned our escape
  3. the stain on the Wall

We had everything from murder to happy endings. Here are some examples for you to read.

@stinawog weekend freewrite






@janine-ariane second third

But short prompts are great and you have 22 we already published to choose from. [Here they are]

If you don't feel like giving this 3 prompt exercise a try, check out what @improv did with this prompts.

If you like this and want more people to come out and play - resteem!

Remember to check your voting power. Do not vote for a while if you are under 90!


All images are my own unless otherwise cited.


My recent posts

MAP Forum Introduction

A Good Day to Go to the Market - It's Market Friday

Day 22 Freewrite - Prompt: itching

Joel Salatin - Farmer-Author-Speaker

Day 21: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: Books

Sky Magic

A Holy Basil Smoothie



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