Avoiding Being Homeless -- ✏️5 Minute Freewrite Day 222✏️ -- Homeless

We are all a few moves away from being homeless. This is a constant fear of mine. Instead of spending more time with my wife and family, I’m always working to find that next stream of income that will take us a step further away from poverty and closer to our goals.

I don’t think the being homeless is a choice for all, but it’s something that many of us can avoid. Unfortunately, I believe that many more people will become homeless before there are solutions put in place to prevent this from happening to more.

Economies around the world are changing. Jobs are disappearing, and not to people from foreign countries – but to machines. From service industry jobs to Uber and even truck drivers, the occupations that millions of people rely on will vanish over the next 10 years.

We need to work together to not only help the homeless of today, but to prevent the homeless of tomorrow, from ourselves to others. I challenge anyone reading this and myself to prepare for what is coming, and to think about how we can help prevent homelessness in general. By starting conversations and sharing ideas, we can start to make progress. It’s a wild dream, but I think it just could make a difference.

This is my entry for @mariannewest's 5 Minute Freewrite Day 222. The prompt was "homeless." This writing is unedited and was typed in 5 minutes, so please follow my blog for more polished examples of my writing, and thank you for stopping by! Today I just ran with what came to my head about the topic of homelessness and did not try to shape it into a fictional story. Please feel free to leave me comments.

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