Five minute free write - The red scarf

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First, I just need to say I wish I had another minute or so to end this the way that I wanted.

I promise, there was a happy ending in mind for this fellow, a lesson learn, hope gained, a future imagined. But, that damn 5 minute timer on The most dangerous writing app is pretty unforgiving. And I'll only do so much after the timer ends. Gotta stick to the rules.

So, without further ado, my story about 'the red scarf.'

He sat there on the cold stairs of the stoop.

Just holding it. Around him the world a mottled gray. But in his hand, life. Brilliant, a star in the night, a focal point for so much good that had happened.

Her red scarf.

It had only been a few minutes since she had placed it in his hand and turned her back for the last time. So few words, so simple, yet some of the hardest he'd ever had to try and comprehend.

Years. Years... He turned it over and over in his hands.

It would have been better had she kept it. That meant there would have been a chance. Some vague, interstellar hope of them getting back together. But she had known what she was doing. She knew how to end the story with no room for interpetation.

That red scarf. The moment where he had fallen truly in love for the first time. The purchase had been offhand, at some random market on some weekend, the exact where and when lost to history. She probably remembered.

But it had been the turning point for him. He had found it in hismelf to finally open to the possibilities of wonder, of love, of trust.

And those times had been amazing. Endless hours of her smile, that laugh, those eyes looking into his. Her hand, filled with life, the electric current as they held each other.

Again, he folded the scarf. Still in shock from that moment. When, looking into his eyes she had said, 'it's over.'

I hope you enjoyed that. :)

It's kinda sad, but you can imagine where it goes from there. What a normal person would do. Might do. Good, bad, healthy, unhealthy, hehe. All up to you since the timer dinged on my turn.

Once again, big thanks to @mariannewest for keeping this together for 121 days...and counting. Thanks to her Five minute free write I've met a lot of awesome people and a lot of awesome writers. I've also been forced to try a lot of things I'd never thought I would try. That whole prompt thing adding a whole new and interesting dimension to the process.

I hope everyone has an amazing day!

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