Day 14: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: Apricot

Day 14: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: Apricot for today.

Today’s prompt reminded me of aprocoit cookies. I guess I can’t spell the word either… @snook.

Balish Apricot Cookies

I love those cookies. They are so good. But when I tried to make them I just made a big mess, and the filling ran out of the cookie and onto the pan.

They were more like carmalized cookies, rather than the crspy cookies that you find at bakeries, or at weddings.

When I was younger, it seemed everyone was baking cookies. You’d be at a Christmas party, or even a Tupperware party, and someone would bring cookies.

I used to help my Mom bake cookies for Christmas. She would roll dates in sugar, and make these chewy, I don’t even know what they were delicious cookies.

Ever since then I tried make cookies for Christmas and I am always overwhelmed by the amount of work it takes to bake. Not to mention the mess. Flour, butter, sugar, all sticky. The litchen gets trashed.

Although it takes a lot of work to bake cookies, I hope this practice never goes out of style. Everyone needs cookies in their lives. They are sweet reminders of home.


I added reminders of home as it was dinging. I had more to say about cookies!!! Now I need to go make some cookies!

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