Day 204: 5 Minute Freewrite: Friday - Prompt: Late

Day 204: 5 Minute Freewrite: Friday - Prompt: Late


This is my 5-minute freewrite for Day 204: 5 Minute Freewrite: Friday - Prompt: late. Be sure to follow the #freewrite tag to learn more, or to read more freewrites.

It was almost midnight when Sara tried her best to leave the party. The hostess Alice insisted she stay for one more drink. There was a man she wanted Sara to meet. She swore they would make the perfect match. “He is always late. But he’ll be here soon.” She explained.

But truthfully being late was not something Sara would consider a positive characteristic and she didn’t see what waiting around would help.

Sara slowly sipped her drink; already feeling the effects of the others she drank during the evening. This wasn’t the first time Alice insisted on fixing her up with a remote stranger. She’d been doing this ever since Sara bought the house down the street and Alice discovered she was single.

So far there had been no spark between Sara and the men Alice thought were perfect for her. But still she sipped her drink, watched the others who seemed to be having a grand old time, and waited. She looked again at her watch, but time was not moving at all.

Just as she was about the set her glass down and say goodnight, her eyes met his.


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Thanks to @snook for this super cool gif!

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