[Short Story] - Flash - 5minutefreewrite challenge



In light of the upcoming holidays we set off to decorate the Christmas tree.

I brought it up from the cellar and my wife got the Christmas ornaments from the back of the closet on our balcony.

We had great fun putting on the various shapes and colors of bulbs, LED lights, scarf-like shiny thingies and cookies we punched holes into and threaded.

Much like every year since he's not an infant anymore – he's now 6 – I got him on my shoulders and allowed him to finish decorating the tree with the golden star.

My wife and I both applauded for Timmy and he appeared as happy as ever.

”Now let’s get you some cookies while daddy plugs in the lights, what do you say?” I lowered Timmy down and hinted to my wife to get him some milk and cookies.

”Yes, please!” He replied happily and went to kitchen with his mom.

I plugged in the cord and the lights came to life.

But it wasn’t anything like your usual Christmas tree lights.

The lights were flashing so rapidly they would have immediately caused an epileptic attack had I been prone to that.

I tried fixing the issue, but just couldn’t resolve it.

Ding. Time is up.

Timmy loved it. Me and my wife on the other hand… not so much.

But as always; Timmy won the argument.

We’re keeping the flashing lights.

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If you enjoy writing yourself, I am hosting a constrained writing contest, where each week I limit your writing with various rules and force you to be creative in brand new ways! If you're not a writer yourself, check it out and see what others have come up with! :D


Gif provided by @rocking-dave

I turn your writing prompts into stories.
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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22

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