[Short Story] - Going for a walk - 5minute freewrite


Going for a walk

I got up from bed and decided to make myself a cup of tea. I put on the water and while it was cooking I made the bed and changed out of my pyjamas. I was going out for a walk, after all.

I stuffed the tea bags into the kettle, lined my earphones under my shirt, got fully dressed and just left out the front door.

I was about 300 feet away from my house already when I remembered I had forgotten the tea. I swung my hand through the air and murmured a quiet “So what.” Same thing happened each and every time and I never learned.

I browsed through the music on my phone, but eventually just decided to listen to some soothing music on a digital radio.

I found my way through a nearby park and I stopped for a moment in front of all these pipes people use for bodyweight trainings. Street workout, they call it. I hesitated at first, but then decided I'll give some stunts a try myself. Same as always yet again.

I changed the track to something more upbeat and killed my muscles dead.

Sore from the workout, I parked myself on the nearby bench and checked the clock.

“Oh well, I guess it’s what I do at 2:30 in the morning when I can’t sleep.”

The prompt was:

"It’s what I do at 2:30 in the morning when I can’t sleep"

While you are waiting for content new,
in the comments below leave me a clue,
an idea for a story you'd love to read,
a journey to the unknown my keyboard will lead.

constrained writing contest.jpg

If you enjoy writing yourself, I am hosting a constrained writing contest, where each week I limit your writing with various rules and force you to be creative in brand new ways! If you're not a writer yourself, check it out and see what others have come up with! :D

I turn your writing prompts into stories.

Previous writing prompts I have fulfilled:

Happy ending
#1 - Living off the grid
#3 - A young thief
#8 - A traitor from hell
#9 - Not alone
#10 - Millitary testing grounds
#13 - Bigfoot
#14 - And angel in love with a whore
#15 - Down the rabbit hole
#18 - Reborn as a 10 year old
#19 - A struggling door to door salesman
#24 - Rebellious talking food
#26 - Ssssnails!
#28 - Mission Erased
#32 - Dog's breath
#2 - A dolphin tea party
#4 - Stained hands
#7 - The giant depressed onion
#21 - The red star
#25 - Long-distance Relationship
#27 - A dream
#30 - Potato
#31 - Dragons
#33 - The Jungle
#5 - The homeless man
#6 - A blind date
#11 - The wealthy man
#12 - Happy ending
#16 - Asshole soulmate
#17 - My bunny Fluffy
#20 - War veteran
#22 - Wishing to meet a villain
#23 - School trip
#29 - Green Chewing Gum

Next writing prompt to be fulfilled:

by @snook

Gif by @rocking-dave

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