The Interview Series - Introducing @Byn


Welcome to the Freewrite House Interview Series

brought to you by @brisby

       Our Freewrite House loves to showcase the awesomeness of you freewriters! So, each week, we'll be giving a different author the chance to answer a few questions, share some of the favorite stories they've written, and pose a question of their own to the community.

            This week’s offerings are from the bodacious @Byn! Her writings of powerfully raw emotions, hilarious situations, spine trembling horror and real life experiences keep people coming back for more! On top of delivering prompts each week to our group, she makes most of the graphics for our Freewrite House posts and has her series, Freewrite Favorites, in which readers choose their most loved stories of the week! We are so grateful for all that she does!

Click on the blog photos to read @Byn's selections.

Remember if a post is older than 6 days, try to find something more recent to upvote so that the author can get the rewards. Thank you so much for your support!

1 - Have you ever spent a long time working on something only to end up either losing it or scrapping what you were going to do with it? How did that make you feel and, if it was a decision, what led you to choose to do that?

      I have several stories that I’ve started on, that I’ve lost interest in… or not so much lost interest in, but I got distracted by something else in the moment and lost the momentum. They’re still sitting there, waiting… and I desperately hope they come back to me!


      I feel like I need a week alone in some place with electricity, but no internet and NO other people, so I won’t get distracted!

2 - What do you feel is your favorite part of the freewriting community and/or freewrite exercise and why did you choose to be a prompt deliverer?

      I love how supportive everyone is and I wanted to be a part of that. Freewriting seriously reignited my love of writing that I had been trying to get back. I feel like I ‘owe’ the community to inspire/motivate or support other freewriters because of that.

3 - What is one thing that you would change about Steemit? Why?

      NO BID BOTS. I think it is ruining the entire POINT of the platform and bringing down the quality substantially. It’s driving away new people that could bring quality to it and rewarding people for playing a ‘game’ with no substance.

4 - Have you ever lost joy in doing something that you used to love? What was it and were you able to find pleasure in it again?

      Every Single Time I “succeed” at something, I completely and utterly lose interest in doing it. It doesn’t matter how long I’ve wanted it, as soon as I’ve “accomplished” it, I’m done. I wanted to direct a play soooo bad. I got to do it and I was done. Then I wrote a play and directed that. It ended up being something I did about 5-6 times, but I should have stopped after just a couple. I kept forcing myself to do it “because I’d always wanted to do it” and yet once I accomplish the dream, I no longer have the heart for it. Then it really isn’t a good thing at all.
      I have so many things like that in my life that I’ve done, checked off the ‘accomplished’ list somewhere in my head and then I not only DON’T want to do it again, but I loathe the thought of doing it.


      Being someone who is good at jumping into things and getting my shit done, it means that I am quickly running out of ‘dreams’ to accomplish! I have been feeling quite stuck in that aspect for years. I’m REALLY enjoying writing again, though, thanks to the freewrites! Seriously, this group and those prompts saved my sanity this year!

5 - You’ve been cryogenically frozen for 200 years. What is the first question that you ask when you wake up?

      Where’s the bathroom? I have to piss like a racehorse.

6 - What is the dumbest thing someone has called or texted you to ask?

      My kids. Any time they called asking if they could do/have something small (like a freaking SNACK) when they were home WITH THEIR FATHER!

      Kid: Mom, can I have a snack?
      Me: Yes… wait, where’s dad?
      Kid: He’s in the kitchen.
      Me: SO ASK DAD.
      Kid: Okay. Sorry.
      (5 minutes later) ring ring
      Kid: Mom, can I go outside with Abyni?
      Me: aggravated Yes. Wait. Where’s Dad?
      Kid: He’s right here.
      Me: ARGH! ASK YOUR DAD AND STOP CALLING ME! I’m having a break!
      Kid: Okay, sorry mom.
      (5 minutes later) ring ring
      Different Kid: Mom? [1st kid] wants to know if she can give me a snack, too.
      Me: head explodes


7 - You’ve been selected to appear on a game show and have to pick four other people (this can be anyone, including freewriters) to team up with. What show is it, who do you pick and why?

      If its something like Jeopardy, then my husband @serapium, my son @jaedin, my son Kainan and probably @abyni (my youngest) because they have a very eclectic set of knowledge. I haven’t watched any kind of game show for so long, I don’t even know what the options are!

8 - What’s a song that you have had stuck in your head? How long did it take for you to stop thinking of it?

      This is the most horrible question I’ve ever heard! Now I’ve got the damn Havana song in my head, but just the one line that I can remember. (Because that’s the annoying part, I never have a whole song stuck, just ONE LINE!!!)


9 - What’s something that you wish people would stop saying?

      “Just saying” I HATE THAT PHRASE with a passion. It’s snotty, snarky and a backassward insult that just pisses me off.

10 - What question would you like to ask your fellow freewriters?

      What motivates you or keeps you going when you start to lose the energy/inspiration/motivation for a creative endeavor? What habits do you feel help keep you on track?


      A big thank you to @Byn, for all of the help that she's given to our freewrite community and for playing along with this interview! To show our appreciation, we'll be giving her the SBD from this post's payout, as well as a membership in the Steem Basic Income program and a vote by Thundercurator!

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art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

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