Day 137: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday - Prompt: witches

Day 137: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday - Prompt: witches


This is my freewrite for the Day 137: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday - Prompt: witches, hosted by @mariannewest. You can find more information about the Daily 5-minute freewrite by following @freewritehouse, and the #freewritehouse tag.


A witch is stirring her witches brew
And doing things that witches do
And all the night she howls at the moon
Hoping nothing will prevent the coming doom
But the moon stays cold to the witch’s plan
And doesn’t rise in the east of the land
So, the witch must do something new
Something she knew she shouldn’t do
She rose the glass, and drank the blood
Mixed of cow both old and young
And cried to the winds and the gravity pull
To move the moon to the dreary cold
On the darkest hill for it to shine
So that her curse would reach them in time
But the moon refused to hear the witch
And the more she pulled, the more it twitched
And the moon pulled the witch over the hill
And dragged her from the pot to the window sill
Of the old man who wanted the night pitch black
And caused the problem; hence the attack
And he saw the witch and she saw him
And he let out a laugh and she let out a scream
It was you who made the moon stay where it lies.
And the old man said for you witch I’ll make the moon rise
But not till tomorrow because I need a nap.
Perhaps I can interest you in a nice little black cat?

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