Suffers in Silence


A barren woman
that raped woman
even an abused one
plus the insecure one
especially the depressed woman
add that lonely soul
suffers in silence.

An African gay man
that homosexual fan
especially the religious one
including the sympathizers
plus any molested man
even suicidal ones
add the soft ones
all suffer in silence.

A minority community
people of different diversity
those branded of color
especially that black man
add that Muslim fam
plus that redskin still in skins
all suffer in silence.

Oppressed modern slaves
those who crave likes
society pleasers
especially booty lickers
instagram stalkers
add self-doubters
betrayed lovers
sociable loners
also, suffer in silence.

Silenced pens
in search of corrupt cartels
choked whistleblowers
some political bloggers
threatened for telling the truth
honest men languishing
behind prison bars
even those no one believes
they actually changed
still, suffer in silence.

This piece was inspired by the amazing @wandrnrose7 hosted by the amazing @mariannewest through the Sunday prompt.

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Thank you for coming and for your support :)


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