Hello lovely readers!
This is the fourth episode of Fundition Polyglot, a project made by and for Fundition users, but not only for them. I want to help Fundition to be known all over the world with all languages.
Sometimes I ask people if they know what Fundition is and they tell me that they do not know it. So I tell them to visit the main site and there they can read everything in all the rooms and try to understand a lot of things about this platform. They can choose their native language to understand better, but sometimes they are confused by all the informations there and so they ask me a shortcut. Here Fundition Polyglot comes to help them!
An easy and short explanation in native language of what @fundition is. Clear without filters. I think it is a brillant idea and I hope it helps Fundition to spread its voice and all its projects.

Here below you can find the direct link to the first three episodes:

I want to remember to everybody that they can leave their opinions and suggestions here below, because Fundition needs the users' opinions to grow stronger and bigger. It is a simple question that everybody can answer:

What do you think about Fundition?

In the first three episodes I started from Fundition Ambassadors and today I want to extend this project to other members of Fundition; today our guests are Mimee aka @addicttolife from France and @manoldonchev from Bulgaria. First one is Human Resources Manager and she knows deeply this platform. The second one is a Founders and he will write something about his project in the following text.
I would like to mix the people with different roles in Fundition from today, because


So this fourth episode speaks
French and Bulgarian

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French Ambassador: @addicttolife
Country: France

[FRA] Fundition c’est juste le premier outil quand on parle de la construction d’un meilleur futur. Mais au dessus de ça, Fundition c’est un état d’esprit qui unifie des personnes avec la même vision, c’est pourquoi (Fundition) a l’une des communautés les plus incroyables. Quand on parle de Fundition, je pense que c’est le côté « humain » du projet qui prime, parce que c’est un projet qui connecte différentes parties du monde mais qui bougent dans la même direction.
[ENG]Fundition is the number one tool when it comes to build a better future. But beyond that, Fundition is a mindset that is uniting people with the same vision, that's why it has one of the most incredible community. When talking about Fundition, I think it's the humanity side of this project that is interesting, it is connecting people in different part of the world who are moving in the same way.

Bulgarian Ambassador: @manoldonchev
Country: Bulgaria

[BGR]Когато научих за веднага го възприех като гениален начин да се оползотворява потенциала на Steem блокчейна в името на общото благо. Продукт на интелигентни и посветени умове и сърца, а също и на еволюцията на crowdfunding-а и новите технологии. Помогна ми да повярвам, че е все по-възможно да реализираш проект, започвайки от нулата.
Освен това ме накара да се почувствам значин, тъй като чрез тази платформа мога да подкрепям проекти, които ми харесват, дори да не мога да отделя собствени средства за това. Дори гласовете на хората имат значение и превръщат моралната подкрепа в материална. Бъдеще, за което си мечтаем.
По-късно открих, че платформата е дори повече от това - не само за набиране на средства, но и образователна. Екипът на Fundition постоянно публикува нови статии за създаването и усъвършенстването на проекти. Проектите, които започнах там, са ми първите. Знам че ще стават по-добри в движение, но знам също, че следващите, които ще започнат там, ще бъдат дори още по-добри благодарение на обратната връзка и топлото посрещане на идеите.
Като заключение, това е чудесно място където човеци могат да срещнат човеци.

Първият ми Fundition проект “Нови перспективи за село Болярци” се стреми да впрегне социалния и креативния потенциал на фотографията, за да добави към културните ценности на една малка общност. С мечтата да постигне значима промяна и по-късно да бъде приложен като модел на други подобни места.!/@photoanthill/a3kw78kvx
Друг проект, стартиран от мен на Fundition чрез личния ми профил @manoldonchev цели да създаде банка за изображения от мен и други сътрудници, които блокчейн общността да може да използва. Също така реших да започна серия фотографски уроци, които да подпомогнат общността по още един начин.!/@manoldonchev/rewhqftcc
[ENG]First when I learned about I immediately thought it was a brilliant way to utilize the power of the Steem blockchain for common good. A product of sharp and committed minds and hearts but also of the evolution of crowdfunding and new technologies. It helped me believe it’s getting more and more possible to realize a project starting from scratch.
It also made me feel important since through that platform I can support projects I like even if I don’t have any funds of my own to give. Even people’s votes matter and moral support becomes material. The future we dream of.
Then I found it was even more since it’s not only a fund raising but also an educational platform. New articles about project creation and improvement are published constantly by the Fundition team. The projects I started there were my first ones. I know they will get better and better but I also know there will be more and even better made thanks to the feedback and the warm welcome of ideas I met there.
Finally, it is a great place for humans to meet humans.

My first Fundition project ‘New Perspectives for Bolyartsi Village’ aims to utilize the social and creative potential of photography in order to add cultural value to a small community. With dreams to make a significant change and then be applied as a model at other similar locations.!/@photoanthill/a3kw78kvx
Another project ran on Fundition through my personal account @manoldonchev aims to slowly build an image bank created for the blockchain community by me and future collaborators. I also decided to run a series of photography tutorials within the project so that it benefits the community in one more way.!/@manoldonchev/rewhqftcc

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