8 Telling Signs You are Addicted to Steemit. Are you Addicted to Steemit? Funny

Are you addicted to steemit? Here are 8 telling signs you are addicted to steemit.


[noun ad-ikt; verb uh-dikt]


  1. a person who is addicted to an activity, habit, or substance:
  2. to cause to become physiologically or psychologically dependent on something..
  3. to habituate or abandon (oneself) to something compulsively or obsessively:
    a writer addicted to the use of high-flown language;

  1. You check steemit every 2 minutes. You refresh the screen to see, if there are any new replies. You check the balance in your wallet every few hours. You have steemit on your pc and phone.

  2. You have stopped seeing your friends and loved ones. You use to see your friends and hangout with them. You use to go to the movie theater. You use to play sports and go out for dinner. (One bonus is that you save more money now.)

  3. You have abandoned facebook and other social networks. You use to check your facebook wall every 2 minutes. Now you don't check it at all.

  4. You use to get a lot of sleep. Now you are lucky to get 5 hours of sleep everyday.

  5. You reply, post and comment at work.

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  6. You talk about steemit to everyone. You also think about steemit all day.

  7. While walking down the street. You are looking for content to write about or you take a photos of everything.

Please continue reading my other stories about steemit addition. They are quite humorous.
Episode 2- Weight loss program - @autonomysystem/addicted-to-steemit-2-or-are-you-addicted-to-steemit-the-steemit-weight-loss-program-funny

Episode 1 - Introduction - @autonomysystem/addicted-to-steemit-1-are-you-addicted-to-steemit-my-road-to-recovery

Would you like to share your steemit addiction story with us?

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