Game Mode On! #002: 5 Games That Need to be Remastered

Hello Steemians!

On 25th December 2005, my oh-so-awesome brother gifted a PS2 to me for Christmas. Along with the PS2, came 10 (or was it 20?) games with it. If you're a Malaysian, you know how this works. You purchase a pirated console and it comes bundled with even more pirated games dubbed as "free games" that come with your new console. Anyway back to the past, my brother did not know what type of games I played so he just got the best of the best games released so far. One of them was Shadow of the Colossus. If you've never played Shadow of the Colossus, you missed out on one of the best games created by Team ICO. Fortunately for you guys who missed out, not only was it remastered for the PS4, they have also remade the game from scratch and will be released on February 6 this year.

Oh them feels! Source: YouTube

This got me thinking, what other games out there that deserve a remaster or even a remake?. So here are my Top 5 Games I'd Die For A Remaster/Remake in no particular order.

1. Final Fantasy VIII

Fithos! Sing it with me! Lusec! Source: YouTube

The list of Final Fantasy games remastered are VII, IX, X(along with X-2) and even XII. Somehow Square-Enix has skipped over FF VIII leaving fans wondering why the hate?

You play as Squall, a brooding teenager from Balamb Garden who is a SeeD (no one knows what it stands for), a mercenary force for hire. Occasionally you play as Laguna during dream sequences alongside Kiros and Ward. The gameplay was different and confusing. You needed to draw spells from monsters and instead of just using them, you store and equip them to boost your stats. Using them causes your stats to go down. Honestly I've only played this game once and I'm looking forward to going back to Balamb so Square, where's my FF VIII Remaster eh?

2. Chrono Cross

Beautifully rendered CGI and a world unlike any other. Source: YouTube

Why Chrono Cross and not Chrono Trigger? Chrono Trigger's pixel look is a classic as well as the gameplay. I have no issue playing with it now and who can say no to Akira Toriyama-styled animated cutscenes? :)

Remember the good ol' days when the internet was slow and you hear more about new games through magazines? I recall passing by this game store in Amcorp Mall, watching this cutscene(the ones that loop if you don't press Start in the main menu) and it looked so damn good. I was smitten with the gorgeous CGI. The gameplay battle was so unique as well and the music! Oh the music! Composed by Yasunori Mitsuda who also did the music for Chrono Trigger and Xenogears, it's a masterpiece.

3. Diablo II

The most iconic Diablo soundtrack. Stay a while and listen! Source: YouTube

When Diablo first came out, it was a hit. The gameplay and the graphics were amazing for the time. But what made it so great was the ground-breaking randomly generated dungeon levels. Then came Diablo II, taking the best from Diablo and perfecting it. The character classes provided were great but what made it so addictive were the skill trees within the character class. You could mix and match different skills to create a whole new experience with that single character class. Just search for the game in gamefaqs to view a whole list of character types!

4. Parasite Eve

I just spontaneously combusted just by watching this intro. Source: YouTube

When Final Fantasy VII came out, I was obsessed with playing any and every game that had the words RPG and Squaresoft. Parasite Eve was very different from Squaresoft's RPG but that did not stop me. The gorgeous cutscenes(damn you Square!), the intriguing intro to the game where people just spontaneously combust while a woman sings on stage, the whole mystery of the little ghost-like girl. I was hooked. My fear(of everything according to mom) did not stop me from continuing and eventually completing the game. Plus the music(composed by Miss Kingdom Hearts, Shimomura Yoko) was perfect!


CGI background with some classic 2D animation. Source: YouTube

Last but definitely not the least, Grandia. Looking back at it, the one thing that stands out is the voice acting. During the era of silent dialogues of various RPG, Grandia surprised me with it's superb voice acting that didn't feel cringe-y. The characters were interesting and instead of brooding young adults, you play as 14 year old Adventurer-wannabe Justin. Just the beginning itself, you go on a "treasure hunt" around town looking for house-hold items dubbed as "The Four Treasures". Grandia was light-hearted with it's characters and story and felt refreshing with all the RPGs that came out then.

Do you agree or disagree with my list? Let me know what games you want remastered in the comments! Thank you for stopping by! Now time to get back to playing more games :D

Game On! Steem On!

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