Travel Diaries #7 – Drummond Castle Gardens of Scotland

Wishing all my friends a Merry Christams and your life be filled with Joy & Peace

Drummond Gardens is one stunning place to visit, Its ideally known as the Drummond Castle Gardens, the Castle is quite old, not sure exactly how but somewhere from 1600s. The garden has been built up over a period of time but in 19th century it got it's full shape what we see today.

This Garden is located in Perthshire in a place called Muthill, which is around 4 Kms drive from Crieff. This place in itself is completely filled with beauty. If you visit Scotland its advisable to stay in highlands rather than the lowlands. The highlands give you a good flavor of Scotland's real beauty. We stayed in Crieff in a private cottage owned by a Scottish lady. It was a sheer delight as we got to experience some home made Scottish food as well as the place in itself gave a very warm feeling.

The Garden has a wide range of plants and there are peacocks too here which is another delight for the visitors.
If you stand at the entrance of the Garden, you almost get a bird's eye view of the whole garden. You can say its a very beautifully manicured garden.

The view of the Garden from the top entrance. Isn't it breathtaking

This is the view of the castle from below

And you can spend some wonder time with the Peacocks

Variety of Flower feast for the eyes

With Love and Angels Blessings 💖💖👼🏻👼🏻

All pictures are self clicked.

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