My Tiny Garden - Echeveria Pilosa with a black buddy.

I don't like those black buddies. I managed to get rid of them on time, but the Echeveria was attacked by mealybugs - even worse! Lost lots of leaves and I had to remove pretty blooming flower stalks to have easier access... but the war is won for now.

Echeveria pilosa aphid macr.jpg

Now she is growing nicely, has lots of new fuzzy leaves popping and is starting to bloom again :)

Echeveria pilosa flower 2.jpg

Echeveria Pilosa flower bud macr.jpg

What I like about her besides that its fuzzy and has lovely red flowers is that she handles any amount of sun and heat! Just perfect :D

Echeveria pilosa flower.jpg

Echeveria Pilosa 2.jpg

Previously on Tiny Garden

It's Periwinkle time!
Pink Cosmos flower
Most beautiful orchid buds
Nigella in 3 colours
Meet my new balcony pet Luis

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