Wildcrafted Medicine: The Incredible Healing Properties of the Superfood Moringa

Moringa is a super food that grows like a weed. It is also called "miracle tree" because it is extremely healthful and very easy to grow.

Moringa has a thin trunk and branches with relatively sparse leaves.

We have two moringa trees on our property. One has been established outside for 3 years; the other we planted in a pot from seed just this year.  

Each fall, we cut our outdoor tree down to ground level and cover it heavily with straw and mulch to keep the root system warm over the winter. In the spring, we uncover it again, and it shoots up an incredible 18 feet every year! 

Not only is it a breeze to grow, but it's nutritional profile is absolutely incredible! Moringa has:

- 9 times the protein of yogurt
- 10 times the vitamin A of carrots
- 15 times the potassium of bananas
- 17 times the calcium of milk
- 12 times the vitamin C of oranges
25 times the iron of spinach

We frequently add the leaves to salads or our daily green juice. When we cut the tree each year, we use the trunk and bark to make tea!

Ayurveda (an Indian system of medicine) recognizes moringa as the cure to some 300 diseases! It's packed with antioxidants, including one that has been shown to regulate blood sugar in animal studies. It reduces inflammation and maintains healthy cholesterol levels. It supports cardiovascular, liver, and brain health. It has also been demonstrated to purify water!

There are countless options for optimizing health, and we hope you are inspired to consider plant medicines when addressing your well-being! Nature crafts primo medicines, and they are cheap or free and accessible. 

Enjoy our previous Wildcrafted Medicine posts:
Dandelion / Calendula / Lamb's Quarter / Henbit / Carolina Geranium /Oregano / Yellow Dock / Lemon Thai Basil / Comfrey / Rosemary / Lyre Leaf Sage / Mint / Lavender

We offer some of our beyond organic, dried Garden of Eden herbs by donation exchange through Peerhub. 


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