Paging all fellow Steemians: Let's give back part of our earnings to make Steemit better !!!

Are you giving your best, but receiving only Cents on the $ for your posts? Everybody knows this, you have been working on your masterpiece for two days, you were sure that you wrote about something with great value to the community, but nobody seems to see your post.

While browsing and reading as many topics i could, i came across a lot authors, who are writing awesome Posts but didn't earn a lot on Steemit.

I am voting many of the up, mostly before 30 Minutes have passed so they can get most of my curation reward.

Don't get me wrong, the system of Steemit is beautiful, but there are many many authors whom in my point of view deserve a bit more attention and a share of the earnings. (this might change, once we got more users joining the system)

I was fortunate enough to earn some payout (5000$, 107$, 200$, 300$) and i as i still seem to be able to earn more in the future, so i would like to propose to the Steemit community, to give back a little of their earnings.

Everybody can decide how much he/she is able to spare, and everybody decides whom to send a little $$ to (I am sure you have seen that post, where you thought, damn that post is great, why is (s)he is only getting 23Cents?)

You earned some money, lets say 2800$. Why not share 1-10% of that SMDs you received with authors whom were not so lucky?

I received around 150 Steem $ for this Post so as of today, i will transfer 10% of all earnings on Steemit to others in the Steemit Community.

You don't have to be a big earner to participate, every Cent/Penny counts!!

I know that i am not the first one to do this , i have seen whales giving away SMD or Steem to others, i have seen users who have transferred to others, so this is already happening.

I was lucky to earn a lot shortly after i joined, so this kept me going, improving my posts, so i hope that through this initiate, we can support good writers to continue to improve, write more, get noticed and start earning on Steemit and create great content for Steemit (in the end it will be a win-win for all of us)

If you are an Author: Just use the TAG #giveback if you like to be seen!!

100% of the earnings of this post will be re-distributed to other writers, so if you like this idea, please give an up vote!

Paging @piedpiper @donkeypong @stellabelle @kevinwong @itsascam @smooth @berniesanders and all the other great Steemians !!

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