Exploring One Of The Oldest And Largest Museum In The World, A Pictorial Story

The State Hermitage Museum at St Petersberg is one of the oldest and largest museum in the world. It was founded in 1764 by Empress Catherine the Great. The museum complex comprises 6 buildings along the Palace Embankment but only 5 buildings namely the Winter Palace, Hermitage Theatre, Small Hermitage, New Hermitage and Old Hermitage are open to public. The museum houses over 3 million exhibits including the largest collection of paintings in the world, numismatic collection, sculptures, statutes and antiquities from various countries.

Sleeping Ariadne (Marble Statute) by Paola Andrea Triscornia

Exhibit of ancient Egypt.

Sarcophagus Fragment With A Battle Scene

A room full of beautiful statutes

Ancient jewelry from Eastern Mediterranean

The stunning interior of this huge museum complex

The world largest collection of South Italy Vases outside of Italy can be found in the State Hermitage Museum.

A collection of saints by Dujam Vuskovic

Don't forget to look up as the ceiling of the museum is beautifully decorated as well.

Tapestry From The Four Seasons Series by Agostino Veneziano

Amazing works of art.

Madonna and Child by Leonardo Da Vinci

Descent From The Cross by Rembrandt

The Holy Family by Rafffaello.

Painting by Anselm Kiefer

Knights in shiny amour.

Mesmerizing stained glass on display.

An impromptu performance made my museum visit even more entertaining.

An artist hard at work drawing "St Lucas Drawing The Virgin".

An intricate woodwork depicting the life of Christ.

A collection of court ceremonial dresses from the textile history section.

My wife and I spent a wonderful morning at the museum. From the outside, the magnificent classical architect of the State Hermitage Museum gave a hint of what can be found inside the museum. Once we stepped the museum, we were transported into a bygone era of art and culture. We were also enthralled by sheer size of the museum and its captivating interiors. Time flew by as we were immersed in the admiration and enjoyment of the exquisite exhibits in one the world's largest and oldest museum.

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