Wisdom From My Autistic Son: The Power Of Purpose

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My autistic son Jonathan attended the Educational Centre which was run by the Kuching Autistic Association. One of the life skills that he learned there was how to wash clothes. This was one task that Jonathan enjoyed doing because all this while he likes to play with water. What started as a simple task at school turned into a problem at home. Jonathan did not understand the purpose of washing clothes that you only need to wash dirty clothes so that they become clean again. To him washing was just a fun activity to do. So when Jonathan was at home, he would look for whatever clothes that he could lay his hands on, soaked them in the bucket and washed them. When there were no clothes laying around, Jonathan would take his clean clothes from his cupboard and washed them. We had to inform the school to stop the washing lessons and at the same time kept an eye on him to prevent him from washing clothes. Eventually his habit stopped and things were back to more or less “normal”.

If we examined our lives, sometimes we too do certain things without knowing the reason why. This can be due to habit, cultural practices or just because it is a trend that many people are following.

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Therefore when it comes to pursuing our dreams or passion, the power of purpose. We must not only be clear what our dreams are but also why in the first place we want to pursue these dreams. In the pursuit of our dreams, we are bound to encounter difficulties, challenges and problems. In the face of such adversity, many people gave up. When we have failed for the 3rd or 4th time, it is very difficult to muster enough will power and perseverance to carry on. In such circumstances, what can keep us going is the why or the purpose of our dreams. It is the reason why we want to go after the dream in the first place and why we cannot fail. The power of the purpose is such that it can propel us to move forward in the face of the obstacles and challenges. It is the why that can renew our fighting spirit, raise us above our adversity and help us succeed against all odds.


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