Positive Reflections: 3 Simple Tips to Make Our Days Unique

Today is the 7th October 2017. I received a message from a friend in my whatsapp group saying that today is a unique day. This is because today's date 7-10-2017 or the number 7102017 if you read from left to right or from right to left is the same number. This makes me wonder whether today is unique merely because of this fact. Upon reflection , this question comes to my mind, "Are we able to create a day which is unique on a daily basis?"

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In today's world, every body seems to be in a mad rush. We lead busy lives, with a list of tasks that we must complete by the end of the day. After the mad rush each day, and feeling totally drained out at the end of the day, we sometimes asked ourselves "We have been rushing the whole day, what did we actually achieve today?" It is also ironical that in this modern time, we have a lot of time saving gadgets but instead of helping us to save time, we seem to be even busier.

I believe that we have the power to make our days unique and more enjoyable. Let me share with you 3 simple tips that we can use to make each day unique.

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1. Be Present

In our daily lives, make it a point to just enjoy the present moment. Do not think about yesterday nor fret about what tomorrow may bring. Just take a deep breath, be aware of our surroundings and connect to what we are feeling right now. At times we maybe driving past stunning scenery, but because we were too engrossed or preoccupied we did not even notice this beautiful scenery. So take the time each day to be still and enjoy the present moment. Therefore, instead of going through each day like a zombie, once we are in the moment we are able to appreciate the uniqueness of each day. So do slow down and smell the roses.

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2. Do Something New Each Day

Each day, try to do something new. It does not have to be something major, it can be something as minor as take a different route to work. Instead of taking our lunch at our usual place, why not have lunch at a new place. We can call a old friend whom we have not meet for a long time. At work, we can volunteer for a completely new task. Or how about going to watch a foreign movie? These are only some of my suggestions. I am sure that all of you can think of new things that you can do to make your day more interesting and unique. I have got back from a journey of a lifetime, my Trans-Mongolia Adventure which was a very unique experience in every sense of the word. I am an introvert by nature, but on that trip I could go out of my way to meet new people and even shared with them about Steemit.

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3. Have An Open Mind

There is a saying, "The Mind Is Like A Parachute, It Only Works If It Is Open". We often forget that the way that we perceive the world is influenced by our own filters. These filters include our values, our belief systems, our culture and our upbringing. In a lot of circumstances there is no one who is totally right or totally wrong. Many a times, things cannot be categorized into either black or white, but varying shades of grey.

In order to have an open mind, we need to suspend our judgement. Often times we are too quick to judge other people's actions based on our values and belief systems. Because of our ego, we tend to believe that our opinions are right and all those who think differently are wrong. This will restrict our mindset in so many ways and in turn will also restrict our actions.

However, with an open mind, we are able to accept and appreciate the diversity of thoughts, ideas, cultures and lifestyles that the world has to offer. We do not necessarily have to agree with other people's opinion nor change our values or belief system. We just need to acknowledge while there are a lot different opinions, neither of us is more correct or right. It is with this mindset that we are able to truly appreciate what life brings us everyday and value the uniqueness of each day.

Follow me and stay positive.

Do check out my previous posts.

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Spreading positivity one post at a time.

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