My Trans-Mongolia Railway Pictorial Journey Part 1: Escaping From Bustling Beijing To Ulanbatar

Last August, my wife Roselind and I had the adventure of our lifetime when we traveled all the way from Beijing to St Petersberg by rail over 24 days. We traveled a distance of about 6050 km by train and spent a total of 8 nights on the train. From Beijing we had stopovers at Ulanbatar in Mongolia, Irkutsk and Moscow before finally arriving at St Petersberg. We do not have any train network in Borneo and so the train journey was an adventure by itself and we felt liked were having a holiday on the way to a holiday. In fact the primary reason why this trip was on my bucket list was the opportunity to transverse by train and admire the changing landscape along the way.

It was very crowded every way in Beijing. This picture was taken in a train station on the day that I was leaving Beijing to Ulanbatar.

From Kuching, our first stop was Beijing where I spent 3 nights. It was very crowded in Beijing, more so at the tourist spots. At the fourth day, we were very happy to leave Beijing for Ulanbatar. The following is our train journey in pictures.

The congested Beijing Railway Station was the starting point of our train journey.

I stayed at the Second Class compartment which has 4 bunks. The small table is where I had my meals and had to be shared with the other passengers in the compartment.

The meals served at the dining carriage are very expensive.

The infrastructure even in the rural areas of China are very well developed.

I am not sure what is being cultivated in the eye-catching red sheds.

Military vehicles being transported at Jiningnan.

A beautiful rainbow over wind turbines in rural China.

The train also passed by factories like this one with smoke coming out of the furnace.

Another factory in the middle of nowhere.

Sha Cheng, a beautiful city located in the valley of a beautiful mountain range.

I was very surprised to pass by a church in rural China.

The train arrived at the Chinese border town of Erlian in the middle of the night. We had to stop here for more than 3 hours for the changing of the wheels of the train as the train tracks in Mongolia are different from that in China. We also cleared Chinese immigration and customs here.

A train station in rural Mongolia.

We ate a lot of fruits during our train journey.

A train was carrying stockpile of raw materials.

The scenery of Mongolia is very different. We passed by acres and acres of flat grassland without a single tree in sight.

Mongolian vendors selling their wares at a train station. We often purchased food from these vendors as the prices are much cheaper.

It is very common to see animals such as cattle, sheep, goats and horses grazing at the grassland.

Lush scenery of a mountain breaking away from the monotonous grassland.

A small rural village.

After spending a night at the train, we finally arrived at Ulanbatar, the capital of Mongolia.

!steemitworldmap 39.904980 lat 116.427228 long Escape From Bustling Beijing To Ulanbatar D3SCR

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Do check out my previous posts.

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Do You Realize That When We Are Wasting Our Time, We Are Actually Wasting Our Lives? And My Original Poem “Now Is The Time”
I Have Not Forsaken You (An Original Poem)
Dare To Fail: Dream Big But Fail Small
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