Pay It Forward Spotlight #2 - @terminallyill - @greetersguild & @breakthecycle


The Pay If Forward mentality of taking the blessings we have received in life and passing them onto others is one that @terminallyill has been living fully with his efforts launching @greetersguild & @breakthecycle.

To create a groups designed to help welcome newbies to the steemit platform and another to help with addiction is exactly what steemit needed and right in line with the PIF mission.

Steemit Greeters Guild

With a focus on new steemit members @greetersguild seeks out newer members and welcomes them to steemit. They offer an invite to their SGG Discord Room and then try to help them grow. The efforts have expended to include contests and Newbie Spotlight Posts written by SGG members like @tryskele and Curation Spotlights that focus on great posts that deserve some added attention.

This group is growing and always looking for more community oriented members who are willing to help newbies grow. If nothing else follow @greetersguild and watch for their spotlight posts and take a minute to visit those who are featured. Pass out some upvotes and leave a comment so they know you read their work.

Break The Cycle

@breakthecycle is a very personal effort for @terminallyill as it is born from past, and current, life experience. He has become open about his addiction, the real struggle of recovery, and staying on the right path each day. Those who know anyone that struggles with addiction problems can understand how hard these efforts can be and how much harder it can be for someone to admit publicly that they have a problem they face each day.

To be clear someone who is addict doesn't just decide to stop one day and it's over, this is a life long battle for them and the smallest little thing can act as a trigger making them crave the source of their addiction. The battle is real and @terminallyill understands this so he created @breakthecycle.

Take a look at the introduction post for Break The Cycle and you will get a better feel for what they are about. If you are looking for support or are someone who maybe can offer support here is their discord room. The group is small, but know that @terminallyill is there if needed.


If you are on Discord you will see him posting as LuckyDev and his profile page currently show "Lucky" as his screen name. No matter what name you know him by @terminallyill is someone that you should be following. His Pay It Forward mentality is why he is being featured. His efforts for helping newbies grow on steemit alone deserve a spotlight, but like all of us that try to help others there is more to us.

Just today he showed off some of his writing FROM THE DUST - PROLOGUE showing yet another side of his skill set. What maybe grabbed me by this post even more then the actual content was how he reacted to the ideas of those who read the prologue. Some authors might have taken offense, instead @terminallyill has taken these ideas in stride and has seen them as a way to improve his skills. This says a lot about a person IMO.

@terminallyill doesn't post very often as he is always working on his projects, but when he does you will find passion behind everything he says and does.

Small gift of appreciation

Each person I feature is getting 1 #steembasicincome share as a small token of my appreciation for their efforts.


To help manage my VP so I have more for the Pay It Forward Contest I'm putting a 2 SBD #steem-bounty on this post. It will allow me to give smaller votes while still rewarding you with higher amounts. @steem-bounty program has been great to help with engagement and rewarding people on the curation contest and I have realized that it helps me manage my VP on other posts to allow me to give larger upvotes to the featured bloggers in the curation contest.

Same rules as always, if you are trying to take the bounty by posting a crap comment and self voting I'll flag you.

Hope that you have enjoyed the second edition of the Pay It Forward Spotlight!

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