MEN: how to get a bigger, more effective penis

Does penis size matter? Obviously, yes. Man has sought to explore every aspect of the human experience, reaching far into his imagination and beyond to find the true meaning of life. His quest brought about the birth of philosophy, science, ethics, religion...

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All of these pale into comparison in man's search for a mighty penis. He has been preoccupied with this since the beginning of time. There have been many ingenious solutions to man's little problem. I aim to explore them here.

Note: some of the links may not be safe for work.

You're welcome ;)

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Jelqing is a method which was introduced to western mainstream by a porn actor. It claims its practitioners can grow an extra 2 inches in girth and length and is perfectly safe. In a nutshell, it basically involves 'milking' the penis, using the OK-grip, for up to 20 minutes per day, 5 days per week (easily achievable for most males). You must use lubrication and only jelq when semi-erect! Dedicated practice is essential for good results. Jelqing is not for fun!

Health and safety warning

The site says that a warmed up rice-filled sock is great for a warm-up. I would advise you not to dip your penis into hot rice. The result could be, at best, unsightly.


Here we can find a remedy to enlarge the penis using a tincture composed of Jatropha and lime leaves with lime juice. This is to be massaged into the penis and left to stand (lol) for ten minutes. I'd like to know if anybody has tried this experiment and whether or not the lime juice stings a bit. One of my ex husbands got Olibas Oil on his penis and howled for a full ten minutes. Whatever he was aiming for, I'm pretty certain this was not the desired result.



Researchers at the University of Turin tested 'highly motivated' men who began with an average penis length of 2.82 inches. After wearing a traction device for up to 5 hours per day for six months, they found that they were able to increase their penis length by up to 32%! Source. Subjects reported high satisfaction in all parameters except, understandably, for penile girth. Some dropped out of the study early after experiencing pain and bruising. It is something to consider before tying a dangling weight to your penis for any extended length of time.


Vacuum pumps have been used for a long time to increase the flow of blood to the penis. Unfortunately, some devices exceed safe pressure limits and can cause permanent damage and erectile dysfunction. Most clinical trials have found this method ineffective for penis extension.


SURGERY source

Penis enlargement surgery in the private sector is on the rise. Injectables such as liquid silicone, polyacrylamide, hyaluronic acid and mineral-oil have been used. These often cause deformities and other adverse reactions and need to be removed.

Another method is to inject the subject's own fat into their penis. This provides a temporary increase in girth and length but some have maintained a whopping 2cm net result after 7 years. Not sure if that's worth the pain, but it's an option.

There have been studies on suspensory ligament release. Surgical release affects the angle and gives the appearance of a slightly longer penis. Many subjects reported a lack of satisfaction with this procedure (they gain between 1-3cm). One of the side effects of this procedure can actually be penile shortening! So, you may want to swerve this procedure.

There are other procedures but the general scientific consensus is that they're still working on it.



This article encourages an increase in protein consumption, especially seafood. It also encourages a large meal of beans but the windy side-effects could negate any aesthetic benefits.

Other foods that help your penis stay healthy

Foods that are rich in Omega-3s, such as grass-fed beef, turkey and salmon, help improve blood flow. White fish contains magnesium which inhibits testosterone bonding with other proteins in the body. Raw honey has high levels of Vitamin B which helps with testosterone production. Eggs contain Vitamin B6 which helps testosterone levels in men. Good old-fashioned full-fat, raw yogurt is high in potassium and great for your penis and your gut biome. Liver and oysters are packed with lots of essential nutrients but their high zinc content helps block the enzyme that converts testosterone to oestrogen. Pork contains Vitamin B12 which is essential in testosterone synthesis.

If all else fails, find yourself a partner with dainty hands.

Note for men: only upvote and resteem this if you've got a big penis :D

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