Candida Cleanse Week 4: What Are We Really Eating? πŸ‡ πŸ— πŸ“ πŸ• 🍌

It is another beautiful and wonderful day here @gardenofeden!

We have been following an anti-candida protocol for over a month and recording our progress on the blockchain. Check out some of our previous posts for a recap of the results of our science experiment:

Today we are recording compiled, sorted, and analyzed data about our diet from week 4. Feast (pun intended!) your eyes on our progress!

In our first diet recap post, we compared our diets over weeks 1 to 3. The anti-candida diet calls for lots of fresh fruits and veggies and eliminating sugar, meat, dairy, and most grains. We agreed to follow this diet 4 days a week while we take 100% gum spirits of turpentine, and to eat whatever we want for the next 3 days.Β 

Here's what we actually ate during week 4:

As a whole, our community was much less rigid with the diet protocol during our "ON" days during this 4th week. We had much more meat, and dairy, as well as other good fats like nuts, seeds, and olive oil.

Most of us really enjoy adding nuts or seeds to our salads each day and don't feel sated without them. We also usually make our own dressing, which includes olive oil, and it has been difficult to do that without the use of oils or good fats like avocados. We also had a few more people join the protocol this week, and they struggled to break away from the standard meat and cheese lifestyle of many Americans.

Excuses aside, the data shows that we didn't stick strictly to our anti-candida diet.Β 

One of the best part of compiling all this data is watching the changes over time! Here is a comparison from Week 1 vs Week 4:

The chart above shows pretty big changes between our week 1 and week 4 eating habits. We ate less fruits and veggies in week 4 but more nuts, oil, meat, and dairy.Β 

While good fats certainly have some health benefits, the whole point in avoiding them while on the cleanse is to make it as easy for the body to remove excess candida as possible. Research is inconclusive as to how fat actually affects candida; some sources say it feeds it, others say that because a high fat diet hinders insulin's ability to tell cells to uptake sugar, Β candida takes the opportunity to feed on the excess sugar in the bloodstream.Β 

The data shows we are consuming more restricted foods on our ON days than the anti-candida protocol calls for.Β 

Here's a comparison for OFF days of week 1 to week 4:

Our meat, nuts, dairy has gone up quite a bit since week 1. It will be interesting to see how our urine pH responds to this - we'll have more on that in an upcoming post.Β 

As we consume more meat or dairy, we consume less fruits and veggies. In week 1 we saw our fruit and veggie intake was much higher, but it's dropping here in week 4.Β 

While we have seen great results including a decrease in candida levels and feeling better every single day, we may be able to speed up our progress by recommitting to a plant based diet and once again limiting our indulgences.

For those who like to see a lot of data in one place, our last chart shows our overall diet for weeks 1 to 4:

What patterns do you observe for the last 4 weeks of cleansing we have been doing? If you have any insight you want to share please feel free to comment below!

We hope this will inspire you to do additional research and work towards the best possible health for yourself!

*This information is not intended to be medical advice; it is just shared research & experience.

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