How to Yoga - A Chart of Asanas

Good day, Steemians!

Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice. -- Anton Chekhov

How to Yoga: tune into Mind/Body/Soul, and flow.
If you dig movement as a way to step into that one-pointedness,
here are some asanas for inspiration.
Feel free to take what you need for today:


Down Dog                                           Child's Pose                                        Standing Forward Fold


Backbend                                             Butterfly                                            Seated Twist


Crescent Lunge                                 Pigeon Pose                                         Hero's Pose


Revolved Head to Knee Pose      Seated Forward Fold w/ Easy Pose             Warrior I


Warrior II                                             Warrior III                                    Wide Angle Seated Forward Fold


Reclining Hand to Big Toe Pose      Marichyasana I                               Lizard Pose (& variation)


Seated Forward Fold                        Mountain Pose                                   Wide Angle Forward Fold


Legs Up the Wall Pose                   Simple Seated Twist                         Revolved High Lunge


Standing Splits                                  Extended Side Angle Pose             Pyramid Pose


Triangle                                               Humble Warrior                              Eight-Angle Pose


Garland Pose                                     Extended Hand to Toe Pose                    Headstand


Reclining Pigeon                               Cow Face Pose                                     Head to Knee Pose


Wild Thing                          One Legged Seated Spinal Twist          Half Bound Lotus Forward Fold


Revolved Triangle                               Chaturanga                                        Cobra


Plank                                                     Bow Pose                            Reclining Hand to Big Toe Pose II

💛 Sara! 

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