Spicy Ramson "Wasabi"pesto recipe- Ramson Food Serie part 1

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Hi lovely souls! I love to be back with some new recipes this week, and I thought its time to focus a little more on savoury food for now. I know you all are big fans of my sweet recipes and breakfasts, but actually, I also know how to make healthy savoury food. Usually I am very hungry when I am cooking, and thats why I rarely have time to write down my savoury recipes and take pictures. This is one reason why you dont get to see many savoury meals on my blog. But I am very interested in healthy savoury food as well, so I will take the challenge this week to post a few new recipes for you guys that are delicious and simply to prepare.

Just a little background why I dont take so many pictures of my food when I am hungry; for me to take pictures is not just something I do in a second, no, I mostly need at least one hour to build my set, then take pictures from different angles, make it look beautiful and artistic. To take beautiful pictures is a great passion of mine, and I have developed my photograpic skills a lot since I started about one year ago. I got my Canon EOS 650 D only 6 months ago, before that I had a very simply camera that was great to learn the basics, but not to take professional pictures. I count myself to be a professional food photographer today and a recipes creator. I have learned everything on my own and through youtube, articles, tuturials and instagram stories. I am still learning day by day, and today I even created my first recipe video ever with a dear friend who helped me and encourage me to step outside my box behind the camera, and show my self infront of the camera as well! I was very nervous, but I loved it!
It gives me so much strength to do things I have never tried before, and learning by doing. I sometimes really need someone to push me to do things I am scared of. I am far away from perfect (or actually what is perfection?), I just follow my heart and makes what brings me joy!


Enough about that, now lets head over to a very VERY spicy ramson "wasabi" pesto I made.
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Last week I saw a delicious recipe by @street.yoga with ramson, and than I remembered that we actually always have a lot of ramson growning year our home in the forest. I was so inspired, that I took the bike, my baby, and went to that plcae and picked a whole bag of ramson. I wanted to make something with it to have on toasts or with pasta, so I decided to make a pesto out of it. The base is very simple with only avocado, walnuts and ramson. I added some garlic, ginger, lemon juice, and vigin olive oil, and was chocked how spicy it was! It tasted amazing, and really reminds me about wasabi. My little one also liked it, although it was so tangy. I would recommend you to add little by little garlic and ginger if you like the spicy version of it, otherwise just try it with walnuts, avocado and sea salt to taste. Add a dash of virgin olive oil if you wish to.

Health benefits of ramson

Ramson is often known as wild garlic, and has a strong and spicy flavour, if you eat it raw. When sauteed or cooked, it gets a spinach flavour and loses the spiciness.
Ramson has some healing benefits, you can use it for your heart, stomach ulcer, skin, inflammations, cholesterol and blood pressure. It even can improve your digestion! There are many more benefits of using ramson, and you can try to juice it, eat it raw in salads, add the leaves to soups, making spreads for toast and many more delicious and healing food preparations.
The wild garlic has a great abundance of several types of antioxidants that boosts your immune system.

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Spicy Ramson "Wasabi" Pesto



  • 1 big bunch or fresh ramson leaves
  • 1 big ripe avocado
  • juice from one lemon (to absorb the iron, right @celestialcow ;))
  • 1 big handful of walnuts (you can soak them overnight if you wish)
  • sea salt & virgin olive oil to taste
  • Optional for spiciness: 1-2 garlics, 1 piece of ginger, peeled.
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  • start by washing the ramson leaves carefully in cold water for 10 minutes.
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  • rinse and drain the ramson leaves.
  • add the ramson leaves, lemon juice and avocado in a high speed blender and blend until smooth. Add the walnuts, sea salt to taste, and olive oil if you like to. Blend until very smooth. Now taste it and if its not enough spicy, add the garlic and ginger and blend some more.
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  • pour or spoon the pesto in a bowl and enjoy with bread, add to sushi, rice, pasta or whatever you like.
  • Enjoy and storage in the fridge.

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Tomorrow I will show you what you can do more with ramson! Until then, take care and remember to follow your heart. Life is only now.

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Love, Niina

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Life & Inspiration:

Thank you all! ❤
I want to inspire you to live your dreams, eat delicious, wholesome, nourishing, healthy food, and keep a creative mind. We all can do that, now!

Health starts inside our mind.

All content and images are mine and original. If you want to share my work, you are welcome. Just remember to tag me.

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