WINNERS ANNOUNCED! Healthy2018 Contest - This Stewards Of Gondor STRIKES AGAIN For ROUND 2!


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Ever since I became a Stewards Of Gondor (thanks to the generosity and honor bestowed upon me by @fulltimegeek) I have been on a personal crusade to pay-it-forward and assist new steemians and assist my fellow homesteaders.

What Does It Mean To Be healthy2018?

It is whatever you want it to be.
See my original post here explaining it doesn't necessarily mean weight loss or dieting. It could be financial freedom, a new career, less stress, etc.

YES- It Can Be Mean So Many Different Topics For Different People

Weight & Healthier Lifestyle
Eat better
Read nutrition labels
Eat out less
Cut back on portions
Exercise more
Say no to sugar more often
Drink more water
Take care of your body more and better

Giving Up That Bad Habit
Stop smoking
Drink less alcohol
Stop spending money impulsively
Stop being pessimistic

Finding Your Place With God & Spiritually
Go to church more often
Pray more often
Ask for forgiveness
Forgive others
Be at peace
Mend that broken fence in a relationship

Financial Freedom
Start a budget
Stick to that budget
Save for the proverbial rainy day
Don't impulse buy
Give to others
Donate money or time

Healthy 2018 Contest

So I posted the challenge for people to make a post about what they honestly want, need or have to change in their life to be a healthier you in 2018. AND the posts and responses came in!!

Thank you to all who entered this challenge and have no FEAR! I am repeating this contest again this week!


  • Speak from the heart ( I am ALL about passion)

  • YOU MUST USE tag healthy2018 (post here in the comment section also)

  • Please don't use memes. I want to see text. I want to read, hear and feel your words.

  • If you do post a meal, please share the recipe

  • Tell me your goal, how you plan to implement it and how you foresee the end result

  • One entry per person

  • PLEASE resteem to your following- not mandatory but let's make this steemit-wide opportunity

  • Winners will be announced Monday January 22, 2018


Grand Prize winner receives 4 steem
First & Second Place Runners-UP each receive 2 steem

PLUS each winner will receive ONE -100% UPvote from me- currently at post publishing time, my UPvote at 100% is worth $2.74


There were so many fabulous posts and entries, and people speaking from their hearts; almost as if this were a self-discovery post or realization of how these entries wanted to not only better their lives, but stop old habits and rejoice in a victory!

Two Runners-Up

First Runner-Up is @amymya and her post Healthy2018: Stick With Steemit.

My healthy 2018 goal is going to be to Stick with Steemit. I am very ambitious. I aspire to do so many things. My ongoing issue is that I start and I don't follow through.

I have so many ideas for things I want to do! But then my excitement fades and my interest fades with it

YES! We all have those projects, hobbies and tasks that we start off gung-ho and full of ambition.. then the fizzle starts. Sometimes it's frustration, lack of motivation or even just something new comes along and piques our interest.

But... @amymya I can see you sticking with steemit! Your knowledge and influence are remarkable and I will guarantee to see you flourishing as a steemian over the the next 11 1/2 months and come December 31, 2018, you will be a GREAT mentor to many.

Second Runner Up is @coyoteom and her post Attention as Power: Finding Strength Through Intentional Action #healthy2018

These days, gratification comes quick. Things are made to simplify and accommodate. Advertisement presentation is personally selected. Streamlined awareness. Recently I’ve noticed that what holds our attention also holds our power.

So where do you put most of your attention?
school, relationships, domestic duties, religion, cell-phone, self/spirit

What if that disappeared? Would you be able to change focus, or would it truly rock your world? Would the parts that define you continue to exist?

When I read the last part of things disappearing, it really struck me. Seriously think about it. What defines you? How many likes you get? Are you the one that people turn to in their time of need?Are getting straight A's all that's important?

@coyoteom gave me some great inner and soul-filled things to think about. From mending my relationship with my daughters more to continuing to nourish positive thoughts and energy.


@brimwoodfarm's entry #Healthy2018 - Focusing on Mind, Body and....Money!.

He spoke from his heart about depression, his finances and how he wants to have a healthy body and feed some positive energy from within!

As a person (me) who suffers from anxiety, being an introvert that leads sometimes to negative thoughts, @brimwoodfarm's post really told me how angst, worry and uncontrollable sadness can effect a person's life and lifestyle. His nakedness and revelations in this post have me rooting for his achievements and wants me to boost his physically up and say "You can do this. You can conquer ALL these promises to yourself!"

If you won, please post a link in the comments' section with which ONE post you have that YOU want me TO UPvote! AND CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL and THANK YOU all who entered. Make sure to enter next week's healthy2018 contest too!

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