The gem followers pick (week2)(day2)

Finding those really great content creators to get their work noticed and for you to follow.


@alwayzgame - diversity of content

@jrcornel - great diversity of content(latest posts on life)

@slayer - general posts about life

@katerina - art worth looking at

@mahekg - diversity of content(latest posts on life and science)

Promoted author work (click image to go to their post)


Favourite post by author

Other work by author

My take on Piracy : Good or Evil?

Are We Sexist Towards Robot's?


Other work by author

Did you know that if you write the numerical value of "Pi" backwards it spells "Pie"?

What I Have Learned During My First 60 Days On

Are Bots The Problem Or Are People The Problem?

Are you confused by the new Reblog feature?

My Daughter's First Day At The Park! (an original story)

How I spent my friday afternoon an original fixit story


Other work by author

Why You Should Not give up on Steemit . With Real examples of People Who Found Success on Steemit by Not Giving Up!


Other work by author

My art of kirigami sci-fi helmet


Favourite post by author

Other work by author

TED WILLIAMS: How Youtube Video Changed the life of Homeless Man To a Successful Radio Announcer

New Feature Reblog: What it does and how it works

Any suggestions on how to improve layout or the project post a comment below


English | Russian | German | Spanish | French

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@dragonslayer109 | @serejandmyself | @knozaki2015 | @webosfritos | @sebastien

This section will be edited throughout the day

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Russian - @serejandmyself

Not in yet

French - @sebastien

Not in yet

German - @knozaki2015

Not in yet

Spanish - @webosfritos

Not in yet

Quote for the day

Image credit

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1 column