The Interview Showcase #12 - Exclusive Talk With Argentinian Steemian/Recreative Steem Founder

Hello, Folks,

It's The Interview Showcase!!!. This is the 12th Edition of “The interview Showcase”. A lifestyle program that comes with many educational values. A weekly interview of top users in the blog concerning some trending topics on the Steemit platform. And tips that can help other Steemians to progress positively and help boost the Steem’s growth. It will help you to get to know more about Steemians around the globe and even Steemit itself.

I take time to look at some of the most important topics in the blockchain and I have a chat/call with top Steemians who have a greater idea about those topics.

They also share some tips that are able to help other users to understand the blockchain and make use of it in a correct way.

This week is another exciting week for the show, I invited the founder of RECREATIVE STEEM, a well-known Argentinian Steemian @graceleon to the show. We spent some hours talking in the show.

I thought she can't speak English as that is not her official language, but she did a great job.

: Hi Grace, it's nice to have you on my Interview Showcase...please Could you describe your typical day as a steemian?

🔶Graceleon: My typical day as a steemian is very active, I have a routine that makes me stay very attentive between my blog and the RECREATIVE STEEM community account.

From very early in the morning I keep checking, commenting, voting, and socializing on Telegram, WhatsApp, and discord. I always make a daily publication, we make a daily top8 from the community account, we schedule contests that promote art, and I manage and lead many things; of those things that are done behind the curtain and nobody notices but are really very laborious. I am very proactive from the morning until midnight

Her son was part of the Show..

: How will you describe your experience here on steemit?

🔶Graceleon: Steemit is like a roller coaster a lot of times, where we can be at the top and feel like we're in glory; or the next day we feel like we're hitting rock bottom.
My trajectory in steemit is based on my experiences, on my talents, on my service to other steemians; because I understood that my role in the blockchain is about serving others and pushing them to grow along with me

: It seems there are no much steemians from your Country..., do you want to tell me the reason?

🔶Graceleon: Argentina is a country where certainly many people understand the use of cryptocurrencies; however the steemit method has not been successful, because there are more than 120 steemians in the country but currently for various circumstances do not want to remain active.

Argentina's economy is very active, we are currently in hyperinflation and the cost of living is very high. The method of clubs and burnsteem disqualified (so to speak) many users from these latitudes.
I remain because steemit is not my main source of income, my team of RECREATIVE STEEM who are mostly from Argentina, have to work hard in their professional careers to be able to subsist, without having to see steemit as a means of getting money.

To cover the average Argentinean's food basket, it takes more than 600 USDT. In Steemit we would never earn that. So it is not feasible to suggest to an inhabitant of this nation that he must invest many hours a day to opt for visualization and hopefully opt for a vote that stimulates him and rewards him in some way for his efforts and talents.

: If you were to make steemit a better place, what will you do, any suggestions to the steemit team?

🔶Graceleon: Steemit is a space where we can all coexist and shine. I wish that people can freely enjoy their author rewards and that they are not made invisible if they extract their earnings for their livelihoods. Explaining to an investor that they should invest and never cash out their investment is very complex; that makes it unsustainable for many to stay in this blockchain.

I am one of the people who strive to support art, I am pleased to do so and I wish curators would pay more attention to artists in their various expressions.

Grace with her son enjoying the show....

: What do you feel Steemit would be like in the year 2030?

🔶Graceleon: Well, this world is destined to adapt completely to cryptocurrencies, and we produce cryptocurrencies; so I think Steemit will manage to project itself globally with more energy, becoming the most attractive decentralized blockchain social network.

: You seem to write a lot of diary games, why do you choose this as your niche?

🔶Graceleon: I'm a blogger who sees the journaling game as a way to record my woes, my experiences, my feelings, my accomplishments, and even my disappointments. You wouldn't imagine how bohemian I am; I sit down to write my diaries with smiles and sometimes even tears; I empty my feelings and I pour my heart out in every line.

I think my collection of photographs is safe in my steemit blog; they are always images of my children, my pets, Argentina's landscaping, the church, or my meals. When people read me, they can identify with me, with the routine of a mother, a wife, and a servant of God and they can define me as a humble, simple, and integral woman in all my way of living.

Thediarygame is the simplest and most sublime way to build a blog, without filters, without pretense, and with the greatest integrity that a humble writer could have.

: As a Country Rep, how are you going to fight Abusers both in your country if any and in the blog?

🔶Graceleon: As an CR of the world, more than of a country; we have to fight intensely against abusers. I consider that we are sentinels, guardians of this blockchain; we are very interested that things are done right.

I spend many hours of the day carefully reviewing each publication that is registered in my community and many times when I detect a potential abuser, I follow up with him like a detective.
To fight and eradicate plagiarizers we must be united all RCs and community administrators. We are not alone in this, because we have each other.

: Do you think the new arrangement of selecting community Curators will help correct the abuse from Curators....what is your opinion?

🔶Graceleon: I definitely do believe that the new selection system will go a long way in helping abuses not persist (at least for a while).

I am not an accusing judge of sin, I am far from being one because I like to stay out of many uncomfortable situations, but I have perceived with slight ease that there are unconscionable uses and abuses in the voting system of the small voting teams; some problems have been corrected but others not so much, so I have very good faith that this new selection method will help to make it purer and with fewer vices.

Ubong, I think that "he who does well do well, whether in this plane or in another; what we sow we reap", so people must first analyze if what I do is fair, honest, pure, of a good name if there is any virtue if it is worthy of praise... As the Apostle Paul says in his epistle to the Philippians 4:8.
If we filter all our actions through this premise, thinking consciously, then there is no doubt that things will go well.

I definitely do believe that the new selection system will go a long way in helping abuses not persist (at least for a while).

Quality is relative. What you like, I probably don't like.

I think quality is authenticity, neatness, good spelling, good use of markdown codes to beautify the Post, and content free of plagiarism, and other abuses...

For example, I have seen very well-rated posts from authors who are always supported by the curators and do not even take the care to justify, center, or apply some formatting to beautify their posts.

I have seen very good publications and they have no more than the pyrrhic vote that we can give them in the communities.

So everything is relative, but as I told you at the beginning: I am not a judge to point out what seems to be wrong or right.

: Do you think users are rather not focusing producing good contents in the blog but stalking the steemit team with unnecessary beg for vote posts.....?

🔶Graceleon: There is everything in the Lord's vineyard. In steemit there is everything.
For example, there are good authors who strive to bring an impeccable production of excellent quality posts and have never been voted by the curators. I could name at least one user from Argentina (@nelsondoor).

There are users who have an impeccable blog and with an impressive constancy, and I have never seen him harassing the whales to be voted, from Colombia (@josevas217).

I have met wonderful authors for whom it is worth fighting and keep fighting to see them grow.

Ubong, Have you noticed that Steemit is more popular and attractive in the most impoverished third world countries with latent extreme poverty?
People's stomachs are rumbling from hunger, that's why and other things they chase the vote no matter what.

If they are told that they must dance in the Candela to receive a vote, they will surely do it and the causes will be very noble because hunger and needs do not know how to wait.

I believe that the mass or multitude of users will always create content following a pattern of behavior.
They will do what is fashionable OR what the curators order. If the curators focus on voting on the diary game then that is what the users will create... Have you figured it out yet?

With the burnsteem boom it was very clear and if they keep creating pseudo-strategies to condition the votes, for sure it will be like that.

: If Users point out Some of your weak points to you now and seek your adjustments, will you appreciate it or rather take it emotional and sentimental...?

🔶Graceleon: When we are leaders we are always in the eye of the hurricane, much is expected of us, and accusing fingers are always ready to point at us for "X" or "Y" reasons.

If we are asked to improve, we must have the maturity to make amends and repair what is dysfunctional.
I tell you an anecdote of my experiences within steemit: one day someone in authority told me that I am a very negative person (hahaha) today I am laughing but that made me cry a lot, very much, because I consider myself a cheerful person. However, I understood the point and improved my way of seeing things.

We must have the maturity to do so and also have internalized self-respect to discern when criticism is not constructive and does not lead to a good path.

It is said that Steemit is very toxic, it is probably so, always depending on the glass through which you look at it.
The Bible says in James, "The love of money is the root of all evil".

If we learn to channel our emotions, and not let ourselves be dominated by ambition, greed, covetousness, and the fruits of the flesh that make us weaker and more vulnerable; then I am sure all will be well.

: What is one trending and pressing topic you will like me to give attention to in my next show?

🔶Graceleon: You can talk a bit about the plans Steemitblog has with club200 for example. Also, what is intended with the burnsteem50, burnsteem75, and burnsteem100 burnsteem. It would be interesting to see the outcome of this initiative.

: I will check that out much later.

: Are there users you would like me to feature in the future...?

🔶Graceleon: There are many good authors from our ecosystem; I would like to know what Mr. @kiwiscanfly, @pennsif, and my favorite person in all who is @steemchiller are up to.

Oh yes, it's because of people like steemchiller that I'm still standing in steemit.

I hope you enjoy the Show...? Do you think I am missing something? Please feel free to tell me, let's make this better every day. Share your suggestions with me, I'll so much appreciate it.

Do you have a particular topic you will like me to feature? Is there a user you will like me to feature? Please contact me (language) is not a barrier and all would be handled successfully.

If you are interested in being one of my guests, please don't hesitate to contact me any time soon through my details: discord: ubongudofot#9499

Telegram: Cantact Me

Please note that users/guests privacy or confidentiality would be considered first before posting, thank you.

See you next week for another interesting show, don't miss it !!!

The Previous Shows:

1, 2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.

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